Configuration Files and Tables

Some aspects of system configuration and behavior are controlled by files and tables that your library can edit. The table below lists these files and the areas of system behavior that they affect. Depending on the products and features your library uses, some of these files might not be available on your system.

Product or Function Files or Tables
General System Functionality Branches Table
Country Codes Table
Fixed-length Codes File
Fixed-length Field Names
Index Labels Table
Item Status Codes Table
Item Types Table
Language Codes Table
Material Types Table
Pcode 3 Table
Variable-length Field Names
Advanced System Access and Administration Account Name File
Holding Symbol File
Indexlabels Name File
Library Name File
Long Names for Variable-length Fields
MARC Label Name File
Menu Options for Limit by Language File
Multi Line Field Labels File
Rules for Deletion of Records File
Rules for Requesting File
Rules for Self Booking File
Rules for Suppression File
Acquisitions Claim Cycle Values Table
External Funds Codes Table
Foreign Currency Codes and Rates
Inventory Express Table
Library SAN File
Multiselection Groups Table
Outputting Vouchers Configuration Options
Receiving and Billing Locations Table
Use Tax Rates Table
Value Added Table
Vendor Messages Table
Web Links Table
Web Works Selection Lists Review Files
Circa Circa Configuration Table
Circulation Branch Addresses Table
Days Closed Table
Email Subject Table
Hold Pickup Locations Table
Hold Thresholds Table
Hours Open Table
Language Preference Table
Library Priority Table
Loan Rule Determiner Table
Loan Rules Table
Patron Blocks Table
Patron Type Table
Payment Types Table
Predefined Charges Table
Statistical Group Maintenance Table
Text of Circulation Notices Table
Time to Holdshelf Table
Time to Reshelve Table
Collection Agency Collection Agency Settings
Consortium Management Extensions Agency File
Pcode 4 Table
Deposit Collections Deposit Collection Map
Ecommerce Ecommerce Gateway Account Parameters for Hosted Checkout Pages

Central Loan Rule Determiner Table
Central Loan Rules Table
Central Patron Blocks Table
Central Pickup Anywhere Mapping File
Central Pickup Locations Mapping File
INN-Reach Agency Mapping Table
Item Type Mapping File
Library Load Priority Table
Patron Type Mapping File
Pickup Anywhere Rule Selection Table
Request Balancing Table
Staff Override Configuration File (staff.conf)

Internal Patron Images Camera Options Table
Item Status API RFID Server Options Table
Held Item Delivery Held Item Delivery Locations Table
Materials Booking Bookings Preparation Table
Mobile Collections Predefined Routes Table
Program Registration Patron Eligibility Table
Predefined Broadcast Email Text Table
Program Type Table
Research Pro category.xml File
mf.conf File
mfrpro.xml File
Serials Box Status Labels Table
Vendor Administration Table
SIP2 Circulation Interface Automated Self Check-out Media Types Table
Automated Self Check-out Messages Table
WebPAC Customizable Web Forms
Feed Builder Configuration Files
ipsso.xml File
Record Display Definition File (webpub.def)
Search Alert Options File (psearchd.conf)
User Messages Configuration File (messages.conf)
Web Options File