Value Added Table

To enable the Value Added option in Sierra, contact Innovative.

To edit the Value Added table, you must be assigned permission 684 (Edit Value Added). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Value Added table allows you to set up and maintain the criteria for applying value added service charges to orders. Charges are based on vendor and material type and are for either a fixed amount or a percentage of the estimated price. The charges are then applied appropriately as you create and edit order records.

You can access the Value Added table via the following menu path:

Admin | Parameters | Acquisitions | Value Added

For information on modifying this table, see Maintaining System Parameter Tables.

Functionality Information

Maximum Entries
You can enter up to 200 rows in the Value Added table.
Using Value Added Feature to Apply Discounts
You can use the Value Added feature to apply discounts to items based on item format and vendor. To set up discount criteria using this feature, enter a negative amount into the VALUE field (e.g., -1.25 to discount an item by $1.25 or -5 to discount an item by 5%).To apply a discount to all items ordered from a vendor, see Discounting the Estimated Price. Note that both types of discounts are applied to the same order if that order matches the criteria set up for each discount.

Data Elements

Entries in the Value Added table contain the following data elements:

Element Description
Vendor The Vendor code
Format One-character code for the FORM of the material.
Value Type Either $ to create a charge for a specific amount of money, or % to create a charge based on a percentage of the estimated price.
Value Amount of the value added service charge (e.g., 1.25 if it is $1.25 or 5 if it is 5%) .