Maintaining System Parameter Tables

Most functions in Sierra are controlled by the values in one or more system parameter tables. For example, there are acquisitions parameter tables that affect ordering, claiming, and invoicing; circulation parameter tables that control how items circulate to patrons; and other parameter tables for products such as Electronic Resource Management, Program Registration, and Web Access Management. When your library's policies change, you might need to update one or more parameter tables to make that change within the system.

Most parameter tables are accessible through one of the submenus in the Admin | Parameters menu. You can have up to ten parameter tables open at the same time. However, you can only edit one table at a time.

For more information about individual parameter tables, see the Configuration Files and Tables section of the Sierra Reference.

Availability of Specific Tables

The products and features your library uses determine which parameter tables are available on your system. In addition, the applications and functions assigned to your login determine which parameter tables you can access. For example, you cannot view acquisitions parameter tables if you cannot perform any acquisitions functions.

To maintain a parameter table:

  1. Access the table you want to edit. For instructions on how to access a specific table, consult the documentation on that table in Configuration Files and Tables.
  2. Add, view, edit, reorder, delete, or export table entries as needed.
  3. Close and relaunch Sierra for your change to take effect.
Some Options Disabled

Certain menu options and icons used to maintain parameter tables might be grayed out for the following reasons:

  • The option does not apply to that table. Some tables (for example, the Item Types table) have a fixed number and order of entries and do not enable you to add, delete, or move entries. In those tables, the system disables the menu options and icons used for those functions.
  • You do not have the necessary permissions to perform that function. For example, if you are assigned permissions to view the table but not to edit it, the system disables the menu options and icons used for editing.
  • Another user is currently editing the table. When this happens, the system warns you that the table is in use, opens the table in View-Only mode, and disables all editing options except View and Close.

Consult the relevant page in Configuration Files and Tables to determine which options are available and which permissions are required for the table you are editing.

Adding Table Entries

To add a new entry to a parameter table:

  1. Select one of the following options from the toolbar or from the Tools menu:
    • Append: Adds an entry to the end of the table.
    • Insert: Adds an entry before the one currently selected in the table.
    • Copy: Copies the selected entry and appends it to the end of the table.
  2. Edit the entry's data elements. See Configuration Files and Tables for information on the data elements in each table.
  3. (Optional) Click Print to print the contents of the new entry.
  4. Click OK to add the new entry to the table or Cancel to exit without adding the entry. The system returns you to the main table display.
  5. Close the table.

Editing Table Entries

To edit a parameter table entry:

  1. Select the entry you want to edit.
  2. Select Tools | Edit or click the Edit icon.
  3. Edit the entry's data elements. See Configuration Files and Tables for information on the data elements in each table.
  4. (Optional) Click Print to print the contents of the entry.
  5. Click OK to change the entry or Cancel to exit without changing the entry. The system returns you to the main table display.
  6. Close the table.

Viewing Table Entries

If you want to see the contents of a table entry but the Edit option is disabled, you can view the entry instead. To view an entry, select the entry and select View. The system offers the same options as when you edit the entry but does not allow you to save any changes when you close the table.

Reordering Table Entries

You can reorder parameter table entries by either sorting the table or moving entries.

Sorting Table Entries

If you want to temporarily reorder table entries without making your changes permanent, you can sort the table. Select the header of the table column by which you want to sort. The entries will automatically be sorted. The system does not save your changes when you close the table.

Moving Table Entries

If you want to permanently reorder entries in a parameter table, you can move the entries. To do so:

  1. Select the entry or group of entries you want to move.
  2. Select Tools | Move or click the Move icon. The system prompts you:
Move entries to row:
  1. Specify the row to which you want to move the entry. For example, if the table contains six rows and you want to move the entry to the last position, enter 6. (Note that you cannot enter a position greater than the number of rows in the table.)
  2. Click OK to move the row or Cancel to exit without moving the row. If you click OK, the system moves the selected entry to the specified position and adjusts the other entries' positions accordingly.
  3. Close the table.

Deleting Table Entries

In some parameter tables, deleting entries can have unexpected consequences for system behavior, such as items circulating incorrectly. This is true even for tables in which the Delete option is not disabled. Consult the documentation on the table you are editing before you delete an entry from a parameter table.

To delete a parameter table entry:

  1. Select the entry you want to delete.
  2. Select Tools | Delete or click the Delete icon.
  3. Close the table.

Exporting Tables

The Export option saves parameter table data as a CSV file and is only available in the Loan Rules and Loan Rule Determiner tables.

To export a parameter table:

  1. Select File | Export, or click the Export icon. The Export dialog box appears.
  2. Enter a name for the file in the File Name field.
  3. Select CSV from the Files of Type drop-down list.
  4. Select the output destination from the Look In drop-down list
  5. Click Export to save the file and return to the parameter table.

Closing Tables

To close a parameter table:

  1. Select File | Save or click the Save icon to make your changes permanent.
  2. Select File | Close or click the Close icon. If you select this option without first saving your changes, the system prompts you:
WARNING: Data has changed. Do you want to save the changes?
  1. Click Yes to save your changes, No to exit the table without saving your changes, or Cancel to make further changes to the table.