Loan Rules Table

To view circulation parameters, you must be assigned permission 373 (View Circulation Parameters). To edit the Loan Rules table, you must be assigned permission 376 (Edit Loan Rules). If your library has enabled the Edit Protection of Circulation Parameters feature, values in the Loan Rules table might be protected from editing by library staff at other locations. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Loan Rules table defines the parameters that Sierra uses for circulating items to patrons. Each loan rule consists of a set of variables that govern many aspects of circulation, including checkouts, renewals, holds, notices, fines, and bills. The system uses the Loan Rules table in conjunction with the Loan Rule Determiner table to determine whether and how to circulate items to patrons.

You can access the Loan Rules table via the following menu path:

Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Loan Rules

For information on modifying this table, see Maintaining System Parameter Tables and Maintaining Circulation Parameters.

Before you edit the Loan Rules table, you must carefully consider how your change impacts currently circulating items.

  • Do not delete, reorder, or insert entries in the Loan Rules table. The system identifies loan rules by their numerical position in the Loan Rules table. Changing the order of entries in the table causes the system to apply the wrong loan rule parameters system-wide. You can append new entries to the end of the table or reuse entries that are not currently used to circulate items.
  • Use caution when modifying a loan rule while items are in circulation under that loan rule. Events that have already taken place are not redone according to the modified loan rule. The modified loan rule applies only to future events. See Modifying the Overdue Variables of a Loan Rule for more information.

For more information, see Functionality Information and Data Elements.

Functionality Information

When viewing and modifying the Loan Rules table, note the following:

Maximum Number of Entries
The Loan Rules table can contain a maximum of 1,000 entries, or at libraries that have acquired Consortium Management Extensions, a maximum of 1,800 entries.
Changes to Other System Settings
When you modify the Loan Rules table, you might also need to update the Loan Rule Determiner table.
Using Absolute Dates in Loan Rules
In loan rules with a Code element of "A", the Normal Loan Period, First Renewal Period, and Additional Renewal Period elements refer to absolute (fixed) Julian calendar dates instead of the number of days from the current date. For example, "1" represents January 1, "15" represents January 15, and "365" represents December 31. The due date is always in the next 365 days. To compute a due date more than a year in the future, add 365 to the Julian date. To compute a date more than two years into the future, add 730 to the date.

For example, if today is January 15, 2003, then "16" means January 16, 2003, while "14" means January 14, 2004. If you want items to be due on January 30, 2004, assign a Normal Loan Period of 395 (30+365). For a due date of January 30, 2005, assign a Normal Loan Period of 760 (730+30). To allow the patron to renew the item twice, each for an additional year, set the First Renewal Period and Additional Renewal Period to 30.

If you allow more than two renewals for code "A" items, the third and subsequent renewals are each for one year, due on the date specified in the Additional Renewal Period element.
Data Export
You can export the loan rules data as a CSV file. For more information, see Maintaining System Parameter Tables.

Data Elements

Entries in the Loan Rules table contain the following data elements:

Element Description Possible Values Examples
Name A descriptive label for the rule. Note that the system identifies loan rules by their position in the table, not by the Name element. Up to 20 alphanumeric characters. 2-Hour Reserves
Code A code indicating the time unit used to measure the loan period.
A Absolute (fixed) Julian calendar date
R Days ("Regular" loan period)
H Hours, rounded to nearest hour, overnight loan allowed
I Hours, rounded to nearest hour, no overnight loan
J Hours, rounded to nearest minute, overnight allowed
K Hours, rounded to nearest minute, no overnight
N Non-circulating (if overridden at checkout, the system assumes units are days)
R (Normal Loan Period = 7) Patrons can borrow items for seven days.
K (Normal Loan Period = 2) Patrons can borrow items for two hours or until the library closes, whichever comes first.
Normal Loan Period The length of time (in units specified in the Code element) that the item is loaned when there are no special conditions for the checkout. For more information about due date calculation, see How Sierra Calculates the Due Date for a Checkout. 0-999
135 (Code =A) Items are always due on May 15.
2 (Code =H) Items can be checked out for two hours.
14 (Code =R) Items can be checked out for two weeks.
Holdable Specifies whether holds can be placed on items covered by this loan rule.

Note that if you change this element, you also need to restart Automatic Patron Request Processing. To do so, contact Innovative.

y Item is holdable.
n Item is not holdable.


Bookable Specifies whether bookings can be placed on items covered by this loan rule. This element applies only if your library uses Materials Booking.
y Item is bookable.
n Item cannot be booked.


Home Pickup

Specifies whether patrons can select a pickup location when placing a hold. This element applies to standard circulation (non-ILL, non-INN-Reach) holds only.

Note: Pickup location choices may be constrained when the only items available for holds have HOME PICKUP restrictions.

y For item-level holds, the system automatically sets the pickup location to match the item LOCATION fixed-length field. For title-level holds, the system changes the pickup location to match the item LOCATION when an item fills the hold.
n The system allows users to select a pickup location.


Shippable Specifies whether requesting patrons can elect to have their held items mailed. This element applies only if your library uses Held Item Delivery.
y Requesting patrons can have their held items mailed.
n Requesting patrons cannot have their held items mailed.


Ship Time Specifies the number of days to extend the due date for shipped items. This element applies only if your library uses Held Item Delivery and the Shippable element is set to "y". 0-999
3 Extend due date by three days for held items that are mailed.
Time Remaining B4 Renew The maximum number of days/hours that must remain in the loan period for an item to be eligible for renewal. For an item to be renewable any time after checkout, set this number equal to the Normal Loan Period + one day or hour. For a code A item to be renewable any time after checkout, set this number to 999.

Innovative advises setting this element even in loan rules where renewals are not permitted, so that renewal dates can be calculated correctly if your system is configured for staff overrides.
7 The item can be renewed only if there are seven or fewer days (Code = R) remaining in the current loan period.
First Renewal Period The duration of the first renewal period that follows the Normal Loan Period. Note that for immediate rental charge items, the system uses the normal loan period instead of this element to determine the due date for a renewed rental item.

Innovative advises setting this element even in loan rules where renewals are not permitted, so that renewal dates can be calculated correctly if your system is configured for staff overrides.
2 Two hours (Code = H) for the first renewal.
241 August 29 (Code = A) for an item on semester loan that can be renewed to the end of the next semester.
Additional Renewal Period The duration of each subsequent renewal after the First Renewal Period. Note that for immediate rental charge items, the system uses the normal loan period instead of this element to determine the due date for a renewed rental item.

Innovative advises setting this element even in loan rules where renewals are not permitted, so that renewal dates can be calculated correctly if your system is configured for staff overrides.
14 Jan 14 (Code = A) or 14 days (Code = R).
Max Number Of Renewals The total number of renewals allowed, including automatic renewals. Although the system accepts any value between 0 and 999, the maximum number of consecutive renewals of an item by a patron is limited to 255.
3 An item can be renewed up to three times.
Max Number Of Auto Renewals The possible number of automatic renewals. An item can be automatically renewed if the value in the # RENEWALS field in the item record is less than the value specified by this element. 0-255
1 The first renewal can be done automatically.
Minimum Use The minimum possible number of days, or hours for an hourly loan, that a patron can have an item. The system uses this element to calculate due dates for recalled items and to calculate a shortened loan period for items that have exceeded the Holds: Number of holds before minimum use used for due date threshold. Note that hourly loans cannot be recalled. 0-999
5 a) If Patron A recalls an item from Patron B, the system does not suggest a new due date that causes Patron B to have the item for fewer than five days.
b) If a patron borrows an item with the specified number of holds, the loan period is five days.
Eligib To Recall The minimum number of days that must remain in the original loan period for the loan period to be reduced and the item recalled. A value of "0" means that the item is recallable at any time, while a value of 999 indicates that items cannot be recalled (except when placing holds on overdue items).

This element does not apply to items on hourly loan (Code = "H", "I", "J", or "K"), which cannot be recalled.
6 There must be at least six days remaining before the original due date or the system does not offer the recall option.
Time Return Recall The number of days a patron has to return an item after it has been recalled. For more information, see Recalling Items.

This element does not apply to items on hourly loan (Code = "H", "I", "J", or "K"), which cannot be recalled.
4 Due date is reduced to four days from the date the recall notice is issued (but not less than the Minimum Use period).
Time To Pickup The number of days a held item remains on the holdshelf. After the item remains on the holdshelf for the number of days specified in this element, the hold becomes defunct.

Note that the system excludes closed days when calculating Time to Pickup. If the Change Pickup Date feature is enabled at your library, you can modify the pickup date of items on the holdshelf.
3 Held items remain on the holdshelf for three days.
Max Number of Odues The maximum number of overdue notices the system sends for unreturned items. The last notice is a replacement bill, which is generated after you prepare and send the level of overdue notice specified in Max Number of Odues. For more information, see Billing Lost or Unreturned Items and Setting Parameters for Billing Unreturned Items.

The Max Number of Odues loan rule element can affect when the system blocks patrons. For more information, see the Highest Level Odues element of the Patron Blocks table and the HLODUES fixed-length field in the patron record.

Use caution when modifying the Max Number of Odues loan rule element. For more information, see Modifying the Overdue Variables of a Loan Rule.
3 The system sends two overdue notices and a replacement bill for overdue items.
Time First Odue The number of days (or hours for hourly loans) after the due date when the item is eligible to receive the first level of overdue notice. Note that for overdue recall notices, the system uses the Time 1ST Odue Recall element instead. 0-999
7 If an item is not returned within seven days (or, in the case of an hourly item, seven hours) of its due date, the first overdue notice is sent.
Time Second Odue The number of days (or hours for hourly loans) between the first and second overdue notices. This number is not the same as the total number of days since the item was due. 0-999
7 If an item is not returned within seven days (or, in the case of an hourly item, seven hours) after the first overdue notice, a second notice is sent.
Time Third Odue
Time Fourth Odue
Time Fifth Odue
Time Sixth Odue
The interval in days or hours between subsequent overdue notices. 0-999
(Max Number of Odues = 3) If an item is not returned within seven days (or, for an hourly item, seven hours) after the previous overdue notice is sent, the system sends the next notice (which in this example is a replacement bill).
Text First Odue The text of the first overdue notice. The number of a valid entry from the Text of Circulation Notices table, or 0 to suppress the notice.
1 The system prints the first entry in the Text of Circulation Notices table on the first overdue notice.
Text Second Odue
Text Third Odue
Text Fourth Odue
Text Fifth Odue
The text of each subsequent overdue notices.

You should enter a notice text for each level of overdue that is less than the maximum number of notices specified in the Max Number of Odues element. For example, if Max Number of Odues is 3, enter an overdue notice text in the Text First Odue and Text Second Odue elements and a replacement bill text in the Msg Bill element. For more information, see Billing Lost or Unreturned Items and Setting Parameters for Billing Unreturned Items.
The number of a valid entry from the Text of Circulation Notices table, or 0 to suppress the notice.
(Max Number Of Odues = 3) The system prints the second entry in the Text of Circulation Notices table on the second overdue notice. The third through fifth levels of overdue notice are not sent.
Because the last notice is a replacement bill, only the text of the second overdue notice need be specified.
Odue Penalty The number of penalty points that accrue for each day (or hour for hourly loans) that an item is overdue. A value of 0 means that no penalty points accrue. 0-999
1 Each day/hour that an item is overdue, the patron accrues one penalty point.
Text First OdueR The text of the first overdue notice for a recalled item.

Innovative advises setting this element even in loan rules that do not permit recalls. This is because the system also uses the Text First OdueR notice text in situations that the system treats as recalls, such as when placing holds on overdue items and when an item with outstanding holds becomes overdue.
The number of a valid entry from the Text of Circulation Notices table, or 0 to suppress the notice.
7 The system prints the seventh entry in the Text of Circulation Notices table on the first overdue recall notice.
Text Second OdueR
Text Third OdueR
Text Fourth OdueR
Text Fifth OdueR
The text of each subsequent overdue notice for a recalled item.

Like the Text Second Odue through Text Fifth Odue elements, you should specify a notice text for each level of overdue recall that is less than the maximum number of notices specified in the Max Number of Odues element.
The number of a valid entry from the Text of Circulation Notices table, or 0 to suppress the notice.
(Max Number Of Odues = 3) The system prints the eighth entry in the Text of Circulation Notices table on the second overdue recall notice. The third through fifth levels of overdue recall notice are not sent. Because the third notice is a replacement bill, only the text of the second overdue recall notice need be specified.
Courtesy Notice Text Number The text of the courtesy notice. The system ignores this element in hourly loan rules and if the courtesy notice feature has not been enabled. The number of a valid entry from the Text of Circulation Notices table, or 0 to suppress the notice.
20 The system prints the text of line 20 in the Text of Circulation Notices table on the courtesy notice.
Number Of Days Before Odue The number of days before an item is due that the borrowing patron is eligible to receive a courtesy notice for the item. A value of "0" means that no courtesy notice is generated.

The system ignores this element in hourly loan rules and if the courtesy notice feature has not been enabled.
3 The patron is eligible to receive a courtesy notice for the item three days before the item is due.
Additional Courtesy Notice A code that determines whether Sierra sends additional courtesy notices.
0 The system does not print an additional courtesy notice.
1 The system prints an additional courtesy notice.
Additional Courtesy Notice Text The text of the additional courtesy notice. The number of a valid entry from the Text of Circulation Notices table, or 0 to suppress the notice.
24 The system prints the text of line 24 in the Text of Circulation Notices table on the courtesy notice.
Time 1ST Odue Recall The number of days after the due date when a recalled item is eligible to receive the first level of overdue notice. This element is used instead of the Time First Odue element for recalled items. 0-999
4 If a recalled item is not returned within four days of the due date, the first overdue recall notice is sent.
Text Recall Notice The text of a recall notice. The number of a valid entry from the Text of Circulation Notices table, or 0 to suppress the notice.
13 The system prints the text of line 13 in the Text of Circulation Notices table on the recall notice.
Text Pickup Notice The text of a hold pickup notice. The number of a valid entry from the Text of Circulation Notices table, or 0 to suppress the notice.
14 The system prints the text of line 14 in the Text of Circulation Notices table on the pickup notice.
Text Cancel Pickup The text of a hold cancellation notice. The number of a valid entry from the Text of Circulation Notices table, or 0 to suppress the notice.
15 The system prints the text of line 15 in the Text of Circulation Notices table on the cancellation notice.
Grace Period For Fines The number of days (code="A" or "R") or minutes (code="H", "I", "J", or "K") after an item is due when overdue fines begin accruing. The system excludes closed days and closed hours from the grace period. See Calculating an Overdue Fine for more information about how the system applies grace periods. 0-999
7 The system does not charge overdue fines for items returned within seven days (or minutes for hourly loans) of the due date.
Number Of D/HR 1st F Per The number of days, or hours for hourly loans, in the first fine period. The first fine period is the number of days the system charges the amount specified in Amount Of Fine 1st F Per for an overdue item. For more information, see Calculating an Overdue Fine. 0-999
30 The system charges the amount in Amount Of Fine 1st F Per for 30 days or hours from the due date (for example, $1.00 per day for 30 days).
Amount Of Fine 1st F Per The amount of fine the system applies for each day or hour in the first fine period (as specified in Number Of D/HR 1st F Per). 0.00 - 9,999,999.00
1.00 A fine of $1.00 will be charged for each day or hour the item is overdue during first fine period (for example, $1.00 per day for 30 days).
Number Of D/HR 2nd F Per The number of days, or hours for hourly loans, in the second fine period. The second fine period is the number of days the system charges the amount specified in Amount Of Fine 2ND F Per for an overdue item. For more information, see Calculating an Overdue Fine. 0-999
20 The system charges the amount in Amount Of Fine 2ND F Per for 20 days or hours after the end of the first fine period (for example, $2.00 per day for 20 days).
Amount Of Fine 2ND F Per The amount of fine the system applies for each day or hour in the second fine period (as specified in Number Of D/HR 2nd F Per). 0.00 - 9,999,999.00
2.00 A fine of $2.00 will be charged for each day or hour the item is overdue during the second fine period (for example, $2.00 per day for 20 days).
Limit Fine To Price Specifies whether to limit the maximum overdue fine for an item to the amount specified in its PRICE fixed-length field. If no amount is specified in the PRICE field and this element is set to "y", the system limits the maximum fine for the item to the amount specified in the Default Item Cost element. If the PRICE field and the Default Item Cost element are both undefined, the system does not limit the maximum fine for the item.
y Limit the maximum fine for this item to the item's price.
n Do not limit the maximum fine for this item.
Default Item Cost The item charge portion of the replacement bill to assess for an unreturned item if the item record does not contain a PRICE value. 0.00 - 9,999,999.99
15.00 If the item is not returned and the PRICE is $0.00, the patron's replacement bill includes a $15.00 replacement fee.
Replace Process Fee The processing fee portion of the replacement bill to assess for an unreturned item. This amount represents the library's expenses in acquiring and cataloging a replacement copy. 0.00 - 9,999,999.99
10.00 If the item is not returned, the patron's replacement bill includes a $10.00 processing fee.
Replace Bill Service Charge The billing fee portion of the replacement bill to assess for an unreturned item. This amount represents the cost of preparing and sending the replacement bill. Depending on the setting of the Check-in of billed item. Reduce bill to: circulation option, the system might adjust the bill for a returned item to this amount. 0.00 - 9,999,999.99
5.00 If the item is not returned, the patron's replacement bill includes a $5.00 billing fee.
Rental Fee The cost to rent the item for the Normal Loan Period and for each subsequent renewal at libraries that assess immediate rental charges. If your library does not assess immediate rental charges, set this element to 0.00. 0.00 - 9,999,999.99
3.00 Patrons are charged $3.00 to rent or renew the item.
Fine Incr If Recall The amount by which the system increases overdue fines for recalled items. The system adds this amount to the fine amounts specified in the Amount Of Fine 1st F Per and Amount Of Fine 2ND F Per elements.

Your library can increment fines for overdue renewed or held items instead of overdue recalled items. You can also set the Recalls: Start charging fine increment after TIME RETURN RECALL circulation option to determine when the system begins to increment fines. For more information, see Calculating Overdue Fines.
0.00 - 9,999,999.99
0.50 Overdue fines are increased by $0.50 per day for recalled items.
Msg Fines The text of the fine notice. The number of a valid entry from the Text of Circulation Notices table, or 0 to suppress the notice. Although the table allows up to 512 entries, the system allows you to use only entries 1-255 in this element.
16 The system prints the text of line 16 in the Text of Circulation Notices table on the fine notice.
Msg Bill The text of the replacement bill. A value of 0 prevents the system from billing patrons for unreturned items. A value between 1 and 999 that does not refer to an entry in the Text of Circulation Notices table causes the system to bill the patron without generating a bill notice. The number of a valid entry from the Text of Circulation Notices table, or 0 to suppress the notice. Although the table allows up to 512 entries, the system allows you to use only entries 1-255 in this element.
17 The system prints the text of line 17 in the Text of Circulation Notices table on the replacement bill.
Msg Adjustment The text of the adjustment bill. The number of a valid entry from the Text of Circulation Notices table, or 0 to suppress the notice. Although the table allows up to 512 entries, the system allows you to use only entries 1-255 in this element.
18 The system prints the text of line 18 in the Text of Circulation Notices table on the adjustment bill.
Rental Circtext The text of the fine notice generated for immediate rental charges. If your library does not assess immediate rental charges, set this element to 0. The number of a valid entry from the Text of Circulation Notices table, or 0 to suppress the notice.
35 The system prints the text of line 35 in the Text of Circulation Notices table on fine notices for immediate rental charges.
Penalty Incr If Recall The amount by which the system increases overdue penalties for recalled items. The system adds this amount to the penalty points specified in the Odue Penalty element. Note that the system increments overdue penalties only if the Odue Penalty element contains a value greater than 0. 0-999
5 Overdue penalties are increased by five points per day for recalled items.
Editable By The authorization level required to edit the field. This element displays only if your library has enabled edit protection of circulation parameters. See Protecting Circulation Parameters from Editing.