Adjusting Charges for Returned Billed Items

The Check-in of billed item. Reduce bill to: circulation option determines how the system adjusts bill amounts.

When you check in a billed item, renew a billed item, or check out a billed item that is currently checked out, Sierra adjusts the amount the patron owes for a billed item. The system takes the following steps to adjust a bill:

  1. Discards the item charge and the processing fee.
  2. Compares the billing fee to the overdue fine.
  3. Calculates the remaining balance owed based on the setting of the Check-in of billed item. Reduce bill to: circulation option.
  4. Removes the bill from the patron's record and adds an adjustment (charge type OverdueX, or for rental items, RentalX) to the patron's record for any remaining balance.
  5. Writes an entry for the automatically adjusted or removed charge to Fines Paid.
  6. (Optional) Generates an adjustment bill, if adjustment bills are configured.

If the patron is present, you can collect the adjusted amount at checkin.

See also:
Billing Lost or Unreturned Items
Fining and Penalizing Patrons