Adjusting Charges for Returned Billed Items
When you check in a billed item, renew a billed item, or check out a billed item that is currently checked out, Sierra adjusts the amount the patron owes for a billed item. The system takes the following steps to adjust a bill:
- Discards the item charge and the processing fee.
- Compares the billing fee to the overdue fine.
- Calculates the remaining balance owed based on the setting of the Check-in of billed item. Reduce bill to: circulation option.
- Removes the bill from the patron's record and adds an adjustment (charge type OverdueX, or for rental items, RentalX) to the patron's record for any remaining balance.
- Writes an entry for the automatically adjusted or removed charge to Fines Paid.
- (Optional) Generates an adjustment bill, if adjustment bills are configured.
If the patron is present, you can collect the adjusted amount at checkin.