Adding Fines to Patron Records

The system can add several types of fines and charges to patron records, such as overdue fines, bills, and manual charges. Each time a fine is added to a patron's record, the system updates the patron record.

Types of Fines and Charges

The table below lists the types of fines that can be assessed automatically and the actions that trigger them:

Type of Charge Added When For More Information
Overdue fine Checking in or renewing an overdue item Charging Overdue Fines
Bill Preparing, sending, and clearing the highest level of overdue notice for an overdue item, marking an item lost, or marking an item damaged

Billing Lost or Unreturned Items

Marking Items as Damaged

Adjustment charge Checking in, checking out, or renewing a billed item Adjusting Charges for Returned Billed Items
Rental charge Checking in, checking out, or renewing a rental item Renting Items
Annual fee The patron record expires Charging Patrons an Annual Fee
Notice printing charge Printing (rather than emailing) an overdue notice for the patron Notices: Amount and ptypes for overdue notice charge
Request charge Placing a request in WebPAC Charging Patrons for Requests
ILL charge Placing an ILL request in WebPAC Using Interlibrary Loan Requesting in the WebPAC
Unclaimed hold charge Clearing the holdshelf Charging Patrons for Unclaimed Holds
Collection agency charge Sending the collection agency report Agency Fee (Collection Agency Settings)

If you want to charge a patron for a reason other than those listed above, you can do so by adding a manual charge to the patron's record.

How the System Updates Records when Adding Fines

When the system adds a fine to a patron's record, it makes the following updates:

  1. Determines how much to charge the patron. The amount of the fine depends on your library's settings for the type of charge being assessed.
  2. Assigns an invoice number to the fine. Invoice numbers range from 1 to 999999 and are assigned sequentially. When the system reaches invoice number 999999, it repeats the invoice numbering, starting again at 1.
  3. Records the fine's description, assessed date, charge location, and charge type.
  4. Adds an entry for the fine in the patron's Fines tab.
  5. Adds the amount of the fine to the total fines in the MONEY OWED field in the patron record.
See also:
Fining and Penalizing Patrons
Fines Display