Checking Out a Billed Item
When you attempt to check out a billed item (an item with status 'n'), Sierra behaves differently depending on whether:
- the item is still checked out to the billed patron, or
- the item was marked lost and is not checked out to the billed patron.
Item Is Checked Out to Previous Patron
If the item is still checked out to a patron (that is, the patron was billed for an unreturned item), the system does the following:
- Prompts you to clear the current checkout. For more information, see Checking Out a Checked-out Item.
- Consults the circulation option Check out: What to do with billed item to determine what to do with the previous patron's replacement bill.
- If the circulation option is set to "WAIVE", the bill is removed from the previous patron's record.
- If the circulation option is set to "REDUCE", the system adjusts the bill according to the value of the circulation option Check-in of billed item. Reduce bill to:.
Note that if the calculated remaining balance owed is '0', the system does not add an adjustment to the patron's record. For more information, see Adjusting Charges for Returned Billed Items.
- If the circulation option is set to "ASK", the system asks you whether you want to waive or reduce the previous patron's replacement bill.
- Prompts you to clear the item's status:
Item status is BILLED and has been cleared.
Item Has Been Marked Lost
If the item was marked lost for a previous patron, the system prompts you to clear the item's status:
Previous Patron's Bill Not Reduced
Sierra does not adjust the previous patron's bill when you check out an item that has been marked lost. To remove the bill from the patron's record, consult the NOTE field in the item record to find the record number of the patron for whom the item was billed, then retrieve the patron record and waive or adjust the bill.