Checking Out a Checked-out Item

When you check out an item that is checked out to another patron (for example, the previous patron returned the item and the item was re-shelved without having been checked in), Sierra warns you and offers the opportunity to automatically check in the item:

Item checked out to another patron .p1052068 and due on 06-15-98 9:00AM. Clear that checkout & check the item out to this patron?

If you choose No, the system does not check the item out to the current patron or in from the previous patron.

If you choose Yes, the system does the following:

If streamlined checkout is configured at your library, the system does not prompt you to clear the checkout and automatically responds as if you chose Yes. To enable streamlined checkout, contact Innovative.

Note that if the item is checked out to the current patron, Sierra attempts to renew the item (see Renewing Items).