How Records are Updated at Checkin

When you check in an item that is currently checked out to a patron, the system makes the following updates to the patron and item records:

  1. Removes the item from the patron's list of checked-out items.
  2. Sets the value of the CIRCACTIVE field in the patron record to the current date.
  3. Updates or resets the following fixed-length fields in the item record:
  4. Updates the LCHKIN fixed-length field in the item record, if the Check-in: Store check-in time in item record circulation option is enabled.
  5. Updates the LPATRON fixed-length field in the item record, if the Check-in: Store last patron in item record circulation option is enabled. Note that the system does not store the previous patron's record number in the LPATRON field when checking in items from INN-Reach patrons.

Note that if an item is not checked out at the time of checkin, the system does not make any updates to the item record.

See also:
Checking In Items - No Patron
Checking In Items - Patron Present
Checking In Items That Have Special Conditions