Checking In an INN-Reach Item from a Patron

When the patron returns an INN-Reach item to your site, you must check it in prior to returning it to the owning site. To check in an INN-Reach item from a patron:

  1. Choose Check-In (No Patron) from the Functions drop-down list.
  2. Scan or enter the item's barcode, or if Item Status API and the RFID Checkout and Checkin of INN-Reach Items feature are enabled, place the item on your RFID pad. The system:
    1. Displays the following message:

      Item belongs to 9bayl

    2. Does one of the following, depending on your system settings:
      • If your library has enabled the Streamlined Check-in feature, the system checks in the item without further messages.
      • If your library has not enabled the Streamlined Check-in feature, the system displays the check-in prompt. Continue to the next step.
  3. Choose CHECK-IN. The system prompts you to queue an INN-Reach transit slip to be printed later. For example:

    Item belongs to 9bayl
    Print transit slip?

  4. Proceed as appropriate:
    • To queue an INN-Reach transit slip for later printing, choose Yes.
    • To continue without queueing an INN-Reach transit slip, choose No.
    The system checks in the item and displays it in the summary table. In the summary view, checked-in items display with a blank status. To see details about the checked-in virtual item, right-click on the item, and select the View Virtual Item option. The virtual item's STATUS displays as '%' (RETURNED).

How Checking In an INN-Reach Item from Your Patron Works

When you check in an INN-Reach item from your patron, the system:

When the owning site receives this circulation message, the system:

See also:
Checking In Items
Viewing Virtual Items