Checking Out Items
When you check out an item to a patron, the system registers the checkout by linking the corresponding patron and item records.
To check out an item:
- Select Circulation Desk from the Function list.
- Retrieve the patron record. Sierra displays any warnings or messages from the patron record. Resolve any issues before proceeding with the checkout.
- Retrieve the item record. The system:
- Displays any messages from the item record.
- Determines the loan rule to apply to the transaction.
- Alerts you to any conditions that block the checkout.
- Warns you of any other special conditions that require attention.
- Resolve any issues before proceeding with the checkout. If all issues are resolved and the checkout is successful, the system:
- Calculates the due date for the checkout.
- Updates the patron and item records.
- Adds the checkout information to the Check Out tab.
- (Optional) To generate a due slip, do one of the following:
- Sierra 4.3 and earlier - Select the Print slip check box.
- Sierra 5.0 and later - Click Due Slip: <method> (where <method> is the default delivery method selected for your login), and select the method you want to use. If you have only one delivery method enabled for your login, Sierra toggles the button between that method and the No Slip option.
- (Optional) Override the calculated due date.
- (Optional) Add a MESSAGE variable-length field to the checked-out item.
Optional Updates Upon Checkout
The table below lists additional updates that can occur when you check out an item. If one of these conditions is applicable during a checkout, the system takes the corresponding action without alerting you.
If: | The system: |
The item can satisfy a hold for the current patron. | Fulfills the hold. |
The item is an INN-Reach item requested by the current patron. | Fulfills the INN-Reach request. |
The item is an ILL item requested by the current patron. | Fulfills the ILL request. |
Your library stores reading history for patrons. | Updates the patron's reading history. |
Your library stores recent circulation history for items. | Updates the item's circulation history. |
The item is a rental item and your library assesses immediate rental charges. | Adds a rental charge. |
The checkout is for a deposit collection patron. | Creates a temporary item. |