Checking Out Items that Have Special Conditions

When you check out an item, Sierra can encounter a condition that does not block the checkout, but requires your attention to proceed. The table below describes the special conditions that can arise during checkout.

Under this condition: The system:
The item is already checked out. Prompts you to clear the checkout. For more information, see Checking Out a Checked-out Item.
The item is billed. Prompts you to waive or reduce the bill. For more information, see Checking Out a Billed Item.
The item's STATUS is not '-' (AVAILABLE). Prompts you to clear the item's status. For more information, see Checking Out an Item whose Status Is Not '-'.
The item is booked. Determines whether the checkout overlaps the booking and alerts you accordingly. For more information, see Checking Out a Booked Item.
The loan period has been shortened due to the number of outstanding holds. Warns you about the shortened loan period. For more information, see How Sierra Calculates the Due Date for a Checkout.
The item has an outstanding INN-Reach request. Prompts you to override or cancel the hold. For more information, see Checking Out an Item that Has Been Requested by an INN-Reach Patron.
The patron is approaching the Max Items patron block threshold. Warns you that the block limit is approaching. For more information, see Alert to Upcoming Patron Blocks.
The checkout is for a homebound patron. Prompts you to print a rating sheet. For more information, see Checking Out Items to Homebound Patrons.
The item is on hold for another patron. Warns you about the current hold on the item and prompts you to either override the hold or cancel the checkout. For more information, see Hold Blocks.
See also:
Checking In Items that Have Special Conditions