Possible Blocks when Checking Out an Item

When you attempt to check out an item, Sierra can encounter a condition that blocks the checkout. When this occurs, you must either resolve the problem or override the block to proceed with the checkout. If you override a block, the system logs the override to the circulation overrides file.

For more information, see the following:

Patron Blocks

To override patron blocks, you must be assigned the following permissions:

The following messages display when a checkout is blocked due to a problem with the patron's account:

Message Action
Borrower cannot check out item because: <reason> The patron is blocked from performing circulation transactions. To respond to this message, override the block or resolve the condition that caused it. For more information, see Blocking Patrons.
Patron has exceeded <xx>-item limit. The patron has already checked out the maximum number of items allowed per the Max Items element of the Patron Blocks table. To respond to this message, check in items from the patron or override the block.
Alert to Upcoming Patron Blocks

As a patron's total checkouts approaches the Max Items threshold, the system warns you of the upcoming limit:

Patron can only check out <x> more items
Checkout item anyway?

If Max Items is greater than 25, the system displays this message when the patron is within five items of the limit. Otherwise, the system displays this message when the patron is within two items of the limit.

Patron has reached maximum check-outs for this type of item. The checked-out item belongs to one of the four item categories defined in the Item types & locs for category A-D circulation options, and the patron has already checked out the maximum number of items allowed for that category, as specified in the corresponding Max Itema through Max Itemd element in the Patron Blocks table. To respond to this message, check in the items from the problem category or override the block.

Hold Blocks

To override a hold block, you must be assigned permission 92 (Override hold blocks). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The following messages display when you try to check out a held item to a patron who is not at the top of the hold queue:

Message Action
Item on hold for another patron .p<xxxxxxx>. Check out item anyway? Another patron is at the top of the item's hold queue. Choose Yes to override the hold and check out the item, or choose No to cancel the checkout. If you choose Yes, the system:
  • Sets the item record's RECAL DATE fixed-length field to the date of the checkout.
  • Shortens the loan period for the checkout, if applicable.
  • Leaves the hold on the bib or item to be filled when the item is checked in.
Item on holdshelf for another patron .p<xxxxxxx>. Check out item anyway? The item is on the holdshelf for another patron. Choose Yes to override the hold and check out the item, or choose No to cancel the checkout. If you choose Yes, the system:
  • Sets the item record's RECAL DATE fixed-length field to the date of the checkout.
  • Shortens the loan period for the checkout, if applicable.
  • Removes the hold from the item record and replaces it on the bibliographic or volume record, if the hold was originally placed at the title or volume level.
Item has additional holds for other patrons. The bibliographic record attached to the item has a number of holds greater than or equal to the value set in the Minimum Use element of the applicable loan rule. Choose OK to continue. See Holds: Number of holds before minimum use used for due date for more information.

The setting of the Holds/Bookings: Display Patron Name and/or Record Number circulation option determines what information displays to identify the patron for whom the item was held.

Non-circulating Items

If your library set the Check-out: Authorization required to override patron block circulation option to "YES," you must be assigned permission 98 (Override patron blocks) to override this block and check out the item.

The following messages display when you attempt to check out a non-circulating item:

Message Action
Loanrule says "non-circulating." The Code element of the loan rule applied to the checkout is set to 'N'. Choose Override to proceed with the checkout, or Do Not Override to cancel the checkout.
Item is for Library Use Only. The item's STATUS is 'o' (LIB USE ONLY). Choose Override to proceed with the checkout, or Do Not Override to cancel the checkout.

Errors and Data Problems

The following messages display when the system encounters an error or data condition that prohibits the checkout:

Message Action
Item requested by another patron. Check out denied. The checked-out item is an ILL item that was requested by another patron. You can check out an ILL item only to the patron who requested it.
ILL item not available for check out. The checked-out item is an ILL item that has a STATUS other than '!' (ON HOLDSHELF). ILL items can be checked out only when they are ready for pickup.
Failed to determine loan rule. The system cannot determine which loan rule to apply to the transaction. Make sure the records have the correct I TYPE, LOCATION, and P TYPE values. Check for missing or inaccurate entries in the Loan Rule Determiner table. Edit the Loan Rule Determiner table so that the first entry applies to all item types, patron types, and locations not mentioned elsewhere in the table.
Item <record> has invalid location: none.
Failed to find loan period information.
The value in the item record's LOCATION fixed-length field is invalid. Edit the record and assign a valid location.
Unable to locate PATRON blocking information. The system cannot find an entry in the Patron Blocks table that corresponds to the patron's P TYPE and PAT AGENCY values. Edit the Patron Blocks table so that the last entry applies to all patron types and patron agency values not mentioned elsewhere in the table.
See also:
Checking Out Items that Have Special Conditions