How Sierra Determines the Loan Rule for a Transaction
The system applies a loan rule when you perform the following types of circulation transactions:
- checking out an item
- placing a hold
- placing a held item on the holdshelf
- renewing an item, if the Renewals: Check loan rule at time of renewal circulation option is set to "YES"
To select a loan rule for a transaction, the system does the following:
- Determines the transaction location.
- If the Loan Rule Determined by Login Location feature is enabled, the system uses the checkout location as the transaction location.
- If you are filling a hold and the Holdshelf Loan Rule Set by Pickup Location feature is enabled, the system uses the pickup location as the transaction location.
- Otherwise, the system uses the LOCATION fixed-length field in the item record as the transaction location.
- Finds the relevant entry in the Loan Rule Determiner table. To do so, the system searches the Loan Rule Determiner table from bottom to top until it finds an active entry that meets the following criteria:
- The Location element includes the transaction location.
- The Item Type element includes the item's I TYPE.
- The Patron Type element matches the patron's P TYPE.
- The value in the patron's BIRTH DATE field falls within the range specified in the Age Range element.
- The entry is active.
- Applies the loan rule indicated in the Rule Number element of the Loan Rule Determiner entry.