Renewals: Check loanrule at time of renewal

This option controls whether or not the system automatically applies the same Loan Rule to a renewed item. Possible values are "YES" and "NO."

If you set this option to "NO," the system automatically renews the item under the same Loan Rule that was applied to the original checkout (i.e., the Loan Rule number currently in the item record's LOANRULE fixed-length field).

Incompatible with the Loan Rule Determined by Login Location Feature

If your library has had the Loan Rule Determined by Login Location feature enabled, the Renewals: Check loanrule at time of renewal Circulation option must be set to "NO".

If you set this option to "YES," the system checks the Loan Rule Determiner table for the Loan Rule that now governs the renewal of this item and compares it with the Loan Rule in the item record's LOANRULE field.

If the two Loan Rules differ, the program overwrites the current LOANRULE field with the newer Loan Rule. The new Loan Rule dictates the renewal parameters.

If the Loan Rules are the same, the system renews the item under the Loan Rule currently in the item's LOANRULE field.

Avoid Invalid Renewal Dates

If the following are true:

  • Renewals: Check loanrule at time of renewal is set to "YES"
  • the Loan Rule element MAX NUMBER OF RENEWALS is set to '0'

then you must set:

This ensures that the system handles staff overrides correctly.