Administering System Files

To access Sierra System Files, the following permissions must be assigned:

  • 1035 (View System Files)
  • 1036 (Clear System Messages)
  • 1037 (Clear Circulation Overrides)
  • 1038 (Clear Autonotices File)
  • 1039 (Clear SUSHI Harvest Log)
  • 1040 (Clear Patron Suggestions)
  • 1041 (Create Keyword Synonyms)
  • 1042 (Clear Link Maintenence Report)

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The System Files component of the Sierra Administration Web Application enables you to view and manage the following system message and configuration files:

System Messages

The System Message file contains messages from the system concerning problems encountered during circulation processing.

Choose Clear File to clear the file's contents.

Choose Printable View to view the file's contents as a single, printable Web page.

Circulation Overrides

The Circulation Overrides file contains messages from the system concerning overridden circulation due dates, overridden patron and item blocks, overridden holds, and waived fines.

Choose LIMIT MESSAGES to view overrides that apply only to a specified record number, operator name, or text string.

Choose CLEAR FILE to clear the file's contents.

Choose PRINTABLE VIEW to view the file's contents as a single, printable Web page.

Autonotices Log

When Circulation is configured to generate auto notices, it logs its activity to the Autonotices log file.

Choose CLEAR FILE to clear the file's contents.

Choose PRINTABLE VIEW to view the file's contents as a single, printable Web page.

SUSHI Harvest Log

When your system is configured to harvest usage statistics, it logs its activity to the SUSHI Harvest log file.

Choose CLEAR FILE to clear the file's contents.

Choose PRINTABLE VIEW to view the file's contents as a single, printable Web page.

Patron Suggestions

General suggestions made by patrons using WebPAC appear in this file.

Choose LIMIT to view suggestions made at a particular transaction location.

Choose CLEAR FILE to clear the file's contents.

Choose PRINTABLE VIEW to view the file's contents as a single, printable Web page.

Additional Items To Acquire

Suggestions for additions to the library's collection made by patrons using WebPAC appear in this file.

Choose LIMIT to view suggestions made at a particular transaction location.

Choose CLEAR FILE to clear the file's contents.

Choose PRINTABLE VIEW to view the file's contents as a single, printable Web page.


The Indexrules file specifies how the system normalizes words and phrases, and which fields are indexed.

Choose LIMIT to view indexing rules that apply only to a specified set of record types.

Choose PRINTABLE VIEW to view the file's contents as a single, printable Web page.

Click a column header to sort the table by that column's entries. (Does not apply to the SUBFIELDS column.)

Keyword Synonyms

The Keyword Synonyms file specifies variant word spellings for the system to recognize as equivalent during catalog searching. For example, the keyword synonym pair "color" and "colour" enables a patron to search for either term and find all bibliographic records containing either word.

Choose CREATE KEYWORD SYNONYMS to add new synonym pairs to the file.

Choose PRINTABLE VIEW to view the file's contents as a single, printable Web page.

Link Maintenance Report

If your system is set up to maintain record links automatically, it generates a Link Maintenance Report that describes changes made by Daily Record Link Maintenance.

Choose CLEAR FILE to clear the file's contents.

Choose PRINTABLE VIEW to view the file's contents as a single, printable Web page.

The Admin Corner option provides download access to a private key in the OpenSSH file format so that you can set up an SSH connection to your Sierra server's Admin Corner telnet program. See Admin Corner for more information on the Sierra configuration functions provided by this program.