Checking Out a Rental Item

When you check out a rental item, Sierra behaves differently depending on whether your library uses the standard rental charge method or the Immediate Rental Charge feature.

Checking Out a Standard Rental Item

If your library uses the standard rental charge model, no special action occurs when checking out a rental item.

Checking Out Rental Items Using Immediate Rental Charges

If immediate rental charges are enabled for your library, the system does the following when you check out a rental item:

  1. Consults the Rental Fee element of the loan rule to calculate the rental fee.
  2. Adds a fine with charge type Rental to the patron record.
  3. If you close the patron record without collecting money for the rental charge, the system prompts:
Rental charge has not been collected.
To return to the patron record and collect the fine, choose Cancel. If you want to collect the rental charge later, choose OK. If you choose OK, a fine notice is generated for the rental charge. The system uses the Rental Circtext element of the loan rule to determine the text of the notice.
See also:
Checking In Rental Items
Renewing a Rental Item