Renewing a Rental Item

When you renew a rental item, Sierra behaves differently depending on whether your library uses the standard rental charge method or the Immediate Rental Charge feature.

Renewing a Standard Rental Item

When you renew a standard rental item, Sierra calculates the new due date according to the renewal parameters in the loan rule.

The system defers calculation and application of the rental fee until the item is checked in.

Renewing an Item Using Immediate Rental Charges

If your library has the Immediate Rental Charge feature enabled, Sierra:

  1. Calculates any overdue fines from the previous rental period and adds the fine to the patron record.
  2. Calculates the rental fee using the Rental Fee element of the loan rule.
  3. Applies a rental charge for the new rental period with charge type RENTAL to the patron record.
  4. Calculates the new due date using the Normal Loan Period element of the loan rule, rather than the First Renewal Period or Additional Renewal Period elements normally used for renewals.
  5. Enables you to collect the money owed for the rental, if the patron is present.
See also:
Calculating the New Due Date for a Renewal
Checking In a Rental Item
Checking Out a Rental Item