Checking In a Rental Item

When you check in a rental item, the system behaves differently depending on whether your library uses standard rental charges or immediate rental charges.

Checking In a Standard Rental Item

When you check in a standard rental item, the system adds a charge with charge type Rental to the patron record. The system consults the fine variables in the loan rule to calculate the amount to charge. Charges for rental items are calculated from the date of checkout, not from the due date. The first day of the rental period is the day that the patron checks out the rental item. For example, if a patron checks out a rental item and returns it the next day, the patron is charged for two days rental.

The settings of the Fines/Bills: Charge fines for days closed and Fines/Bills: Charge fines for hours library closed circulation options determine whether rental fees accrue during the days (for daily loans) or hours (for hourly loans) that your library is closed. However, you should note that these settings are system-wide and also affect the calculation of overdue fines.

If the patron is present, you can collect the money owed for the rental.

Checking In Rental Items Using Immediate Rental Charges

If your library uses immediate rental charges, the system takes no special action when checking in rental items. The rental charge is applied to the patron record at checkout or renewal.