Overriding the Calculated Due Date

If your library set the Check-out: Authorization required to alter due date Circulation Option to "YES," you must be assigned permission 97 (Override due date) to change due dates during checkout. Due date overrides are logged to the circulation overrides file.

When you check out an item, Sierra gives you the option of changing the system-calculated due date and assigning a due date of your choosing. To alter an item's due date during checkout:

  1. Check out the item.
  2. Before closing the patron's record, choose the Change Due Date button. Sierra displays the Change Due Date dialog.
  3. Select a new due date for the item. You can choose a date up to 365 days from the current date. For hourly loans, the system also prompts you to select the hour at which the item is due.
    Overlapping Bookings

    If you are checking out a booked item, the system does not allow you to select a date or time that overlaps a booking.

  4. To apply the selected date to all subsequent checkouts for the current patron, select the Use this date in rest of check-outs for this patron box. Note that the system does not apply this due date to checkouts for subsequent patrons.
    Change Due Date Affects Renewal Statistics

    When you change an item's due date during checkout, the system performs a renewal. This transaction increases renewal statistics.

See also:
Changing Due Dates for Renewed Items