Changing Due Dates for Renewed Items

To view the Checked-Out Items tab, you must be assigned permission 94 (View patron record in check-out). For more information, see Permissions Used By Sierra.

If your library set the Authorization required to view checked out items for patron Circulation Option to "YES," you must be assigned permission 167 (View items checked out to patron) to see all the items checked out to a patron. If this Circulation Option is set to "YES" and you are not assigned permission 167, you will only be able to renew overdue items.

When you renew item(s) from a patron's record, you can use the Change Due Date button to change the due date of the renewals that you made. You must change the due date for these renewals prior to selecting another Function or another patron record. If you do navigate away and then return to choose the Change Due Date button, Sierra performs a full renewal, rather than changing only the due date.

To change the due date for renewed item(s):

  1. Switch to the Checked-Out Items tab.
  2. Select the renewed items for which due dates you want to change from the table of items checked out to the patron. Only select items that have a status of "RENEWED".
  3. Choose the Change Due Date button. The system displays the Change Due Date dialog. If the loan is hourly, you must also select the hour at which the item is due. Note that Sierra prevents you from changing the due date to a day the library is closed.

For each of the selected items, the system extends the item record's DUE DATE field to the specified date (and hour, for hourly loans) and displays this new due date in the STATUS field (if fixed-length fields are set to display descriptions). The system does not increment the RENEWALS field.