Checking Out Items at Express Lane Stations

Express Lane uses the same circulation parameters and loan rules as standard circulation functions. However, Express Lane by default does not enable patrons to perform checkouts that normally require an override. For example, Express Lane does not allow a patron to check out a non-circulating item (an item whose loan rule code is 'N').

If your library keeps certain copies of popular items on circulating shelves for patrons that come in to browse, Innovative can modify your system to not check for holds on those items during checkout. See Skip Hold Check for more information.

To check out items, patrons follow these steps:

  1. At the Welcome Patron screen, patrons use the barcode scanner attached to the Express Lane station to scan an item's barcode.
    Using Item Status API for Checkout

    If your library has acquired Item Status API, patrons can check out items by placing them on an RFID pad rather than by scanning each item's barcode.

  After patrons scan an item:

  • The item's title and due date displays in the New Checkouts table. If the item is associated with a volume record, the New Checkouts table displays both title and volume information.
  • The New Checkouts counter increments by one.
  • The checkout count on the View Checkouts button increments by one.
  • Express Lane invites patrons to continue to check out items by displaying the following at the top of the screen:

Please scan your next item.

  1. Patrons continue to scan items until all their items have been scanned.
  2. Patrons can continue their session by viewing certain types of account information (if enabled by the library) and making any modifications necessary (if enabled), or patrons can end the session.
See also:
Renewing Items at Express Lane Stations
Possible Messages