Checking Out Booked Items at Express Lane Stations and SelfCheck Units

Your library can request that booked items be enabled for checkout and renewal at Express Lane stations and at SelfCheck units using the SIP2 Circulation Interface.

Express Lane Stations and SelfCheck Units Only

The Selfcheck Bookings feature affects self-checkout functionality only. This feature does not affect standard circulation functionality.

To enable the Selfcheck Bookings feature, contact Innovative. You can enable checkout and renewal of booked items at either Express Lane stations or SelfCheck units or both; your library is not required to enable checkout and renewal of booked items for both products in order to enable this feature for one of these products.

When a patron at an Express Lane station or SelfCheck unit attempts to check out or renew an item that has been booked:

  1. The system determines whether the patron currently at the Express Lane station or SelfCheck unit would be able to check out or renew the item if the item did not have a booking period associated with it. If circulation parameters, loan rules, or checkout blocks prevent the patron from checking out or renewing the item, the system does not check out or renew the item even if the patron is the one who has booked the item.
  2. If the patron can check the item out, the system calculates the due date and compares the due date to the booking period. If the due date:
    • precedes the start of the booking period, the system checks out or renews the item.
    • is the exact same date and time as the start of the booking period, the system checks out or renews the item.
    • is after the start of the booking period, the system compares the patron record of the patron currently at the Express Lane station or SelfCheck unit to the patron record of the patron who booked the item. If the current patron is:
      • not the patron who booked the item, the system does not check out or renew the item and displays a message directing the patron to a staff member for assistance.
      • the patron who booked the item, the system checks out or renews the item. The system calculates the due date as follows:
        • If the checkout or renewal due date ends before the end of the booking period that overlaps the checkout, the due date is the end of the booking period.
        • If the checkout or renewal due date ends before the end of the booking period that overlaps the checkout, and the item is booked by the patron for more than one consecutive booking period, the due date is the end of the last booking period. For example, if the overlapping booking period is 2-4 pm and there are successive bookings by the same patron for 4-6 pm and 6-8 pm on the same day, the due date is 8 pm.
        • If the checkout or renewal due date ends before the end of the booking period that overlaps the checkout, and subsequent bookings by the same patron are not consecutive, the system ignores the nonconsecutive bookings and assigns the due date only to the last consecutive booking period. For example, if the overlapping booking period is 12-2 pm, another booking period for the same patron is scheduled for 2-4 pm, and an additional booking period for the same patron is scheduled for 6-8 pm (and therefore the item is not booked by that patron for 4-6 pm), the due date is 4 pm.
        • If the checkout or renewal due date ends after the booking period(s) that overlap the checkout, the due date is the checkout or renewal due date.
The Transit Time for Booked Items Feature

If your library has enabled the Transit Time for Booked Items feature, all additional transit and/or preparation times are added to the booking and considered by the system when calculating a booked item's booking period.