Ending a Patron Session in Express Lane

When a patron has finished using Express Lane, the Express Lane session must end before the next patron can start a new Express Lane session. An Express Lane session can be ended in one of two ways:

Ending an Express Lane Session by Signing Out

To complete an Express Lane session, patrons choose the Sign Out button. The system:

  1. Closes the patron record and clears the patron account information from the screen.
  2. Prints or emails a due slip for any checked out or renewed items, if due slips are configured. The Choose Due Slip Delivery Method feature determines how the system prints due slips:
    • If the feature is not enabled, Express Lane automatically prints a due slip without prompting the patron.
    • If the feature is enabled, the system prompts the patron to choose a delivery method.
If the patron chooses: Express Lane:
Email receipt Emails a due slip to the address in the first EMAIL ADDR field in the patron's record. If the patron record does not contain an email address, the system suppresses this option. Note that you must enable print templates for date due slips in order to offer email as a delivery method.
Print receipt Prints a due slip to the receipt printer. If no receipt printer is configured, Express Lane suppresses this option.
No receipt Neither prints nor emails a due slip.

To enable the Choose Due Slip Delivery Method feature, contact Innovative and specify the delivery methods you want to activate.

If print templates are enabled, Express Lane uses the patron's preferred language and the selected delivery method to determine how to send the due slip

  1. Displays the message and plays the sound file associated with the patron record closing. Both of these messages are, by default:

Thank you for your visit.

  1. Displays the Welcome screen. If the Multiple Languages for Express Lane feature is enabled, the system shows the Welcome screen in the default language.

The Express Lane station is now ready for the next patron to start a session.

Automatically Timing Out of an Express Lane Session

If a patron walks away from an Express Lane station without signing out, their account information will still be active and the next patron might make transactions to an account other than their own. To ensure that patron information is cleared from the Express Lane station display, Express Lane can automatically time out after the station has been inactive for a specific amount of time.

The system uses the Express Lane login's 2nd timeout value to control how long the Express Lane station can remain inactive before it signs out a patron automatically. You can adjust the login's 2nd timeout value in the Sierra Administration Application. See Setting Up Express Lane for more information.

When an Express Lane session times out, the system:

  1. Closes the patron record and clears the patron account information from the screen.
  2. Prints or emails a due slip for any checked-out or renewed items, depending on the optional Choose Due Slip Delivery Method and Print Due Slip on Timeout features:
If: Express Lane:
Neither feature is enabled Does not print or email a due slip.
Choose Due Slip Delivery Method is not enabled;
Print Due Slip on Timeout is enabled
Prints a due slip
Choose Due Slip Delivery Method is enabled;
Print Due Slip on Timeout is not enabled
Prompts the patron to select a delivery method. If the patron does not select a delivery method and the email option is available, the system emails the due slip to the patron. Otherwise, the system does not print a due slip.
Both features are enabled Prompts the patron to select a delivery method. If the patron does not select a delivery method and the email option is available, the system emails the due slip to the patron. Otherwise, the system prints a due slip.

If print templates are enabled, Express Lane uses the patron's preferred language and the selected delivery method to determine how to send the due slip

  1. Displays the Welcome screen. If the Multiple Languages for Express Lane feature is enabled, the system shows the Welcome screen in the default language.

The system does not display the patron record closing message, nor does it play the closing sound file.

See also:
Starting and Exiting Express Lane
Starting a Patron Session in Express Lane