Customizing the Look and Feel of Express Lane

When setting up Express Lane, you can choose to customize the following aspects of the display:

Enlarging Navigation Elements for Touchscreen Monitors

If your library is using touchscreen monitors as input devices at Express Lane stations, Innovative can increase the size of certain display elements to make it easier for patrons to select and navigate with them. To adapt the display, Innovative can enlarge the following display elements:

For example:

Enlarged navigation elements

To enlarge these navigation elements in Express Lane, contact Innovative.

Enabling Sounds

You can configure each Express Lane login to guide patrons through the process with sounds to accompany the on-screen messages and graphics. Express Lane can alert patrons to the following situations: success or failure of a patron's library code scan, success or failure of an item scan, general error, and session completion.

To enable sounds, follow the steps for administering your login's Sounds options. Express Lane uses the following sound components:

Sound Component     Usage
Patron Warning A patron library card (barcode) scan (or PIN scan, if enabled) was not successful.
Patron OK The patron library card (barcode) scan (or PIN scan, if enabled) was successful.
Item Warning The item scan was not successful.
Item OK The item scan was successful.
Error A problem other than an unsuccessful library card, PIN, or item scan is present. (This alert is usually accompanied by the "Please see a staff member" message.)
Patron Close Along with the "Thank you for your visit" screen, this alert indicates that a patron's session is complete. The system does not use this alert if a session times out.

Customizing Text, Colors, and Graphics in Express Lane

In addition to the customization options described above, you can request that the following aspects of the Express Lane display be customized:

To customize the look of the Express Lane display, contact Innovative. To accommodate all screen resolutions, welcome messages can contain a maximum of 55 characters per line. Customized button text can consist of no more than 16 characters. Other customized messages can comprise no more than two lines, each containing a maximum of 80 characters. To customize your library logo, you must provide a customized graphic in either .jpg, .png, or .gif file format, sized to 200x200 pixels.

To change the color of the error messages displayed on Express Lane stations (see Possible Messages), change the Foreground color of the Invalid Text element in each Express Lane login's Editor Colors preferences.

See also:
Choosing Input Devices for Express Lane
Setting Up Express Lane