Due Slips

Sierra can print a date due slip when you perform any of the following operations:

For more information, see the following:

Setup and Functionality Information

Automatically Cutting Due Slips After Printing
If the Receipt Auto Cut feature is enabled, you can configure the system to cut the paper automatically after printing a due slip. For more information, see Automatically Cutting Receipts after Printing.
Determining When to Generate Due Slips
The Due Slip Delivery options (Sierra 5.0 and later) or the Check-out: Print date due slips circulation option (Sierra 4.3 and earlier) controls when the system generates date due slips. For more information, see Generating Date Due Slips.
In Express Lane, due slips print when the session ends unless the Check-out: Print date due slips circulation option is set to "NEVER". See Configuring Due Slips in Express Lane for more information.
Emailing Due Slips from Circulation
In Sierra 5.0 and later, you can email due slips if Email option is enabled in the Available due slip delivery methods section.

Prior to Sierra 5.0, you can email due slips that are generated via standard Circulation functions by selecting the Email to Patron printer as your login's receipt printer.

Emailing Due Slips from Express Lane
You can email due slips from Express Lane if your library has enabled the Choose Due Slip Delivery Method feature and selected email as a possible delivery option. For more information, see Ending a Patron Session in Express Lane. To email due slips, you must enable print templates for due slips. Express Lane uses the Notices: E-mail notice information circulation option to determine the emailed due slip's header information.

Customizing Due Slips

Your library can customize due slips as follows:

Default Due Slips

All due slips include a header that contains the following information:

Statistic Group
The statistics group number associated with the login used to print the due slip. Your library can change the statistics group on due slips printed using standard Circulation functions by editing the login. To change the statistics group on Express Lane due slips, contact Innovative.
Date and Time
The date and time the due slip was printed.
Patron Information
Identifying information about the patron to whom the item was checked out. Depending on the setting of the Patron information on due slip: option in the Due Slips tab in the Login Manager, this field can contain the patron's name, barcode, or record number.

In addition, due slips can also contain any of the following fields:

A TITLE variable-length field from the bibliographic record to which the checked-out item is attached. See Printing Title Information for more information about how the system selects which TITLE field to print.
The AUTHOR variable-length field from the bibliographic record to which the checked-out item is attached.
Call Number
The CALL # variable-length field from the checked-out item's record, or if absent, from the bibliographic record.
The BARCODE variable-length field from the checked-out item's record.
Due Date
The DUE DATE fixed-length field in the checked-out item's record.
The VOLUME variable-length field from the checked-out item's record.
The branch name from the Branches table associated with the LOCATION fixed-length field in the checked-out item's record.
Copy Number
The COPY # fixed-length field in the checked-out item's record.
Two lines of text, up to 40 characters each. You can customize this text in the Message to print on due slip: Line 1 and Line 2 fields in the Due Slips tab in the Login Manager.

Example Due Slip

The following is an example of a due slip that has been customized to print the title, item barcode, and due date:

Due slip

If you print due slips on a 40-column printer, the system prints each field on a separate line. For example:

#47  12-03-2007 3:05 PM
Item(s) checked out to Jones, Lily.

TITLE: The Old Book Value Guide : 25,000
BARCODE: 1110001856213
DUE DATE: 01-17-2008

Northbrush Library
See also:
Generating Date Due Slips
Printing from Express Lane Stations
Print Template Family Settings for Circulation Notices and Receipts