Setting Up Print Templates in Express Lane

If your library has enabled the Print Templates feature, you can use customized templates when printing due slips to a local printer that is capable of printing graphics. If the Choose Due Slip Delivery Method feature is enabled, you can also use customized templates to email due slips to patrons.

Fine Payment Receipts for Express Lane Ecommerce with Comprise Application

If your library has acquired Comprise Ecommerce For Express Lane, the Comprise application generates fine payment receipts.

To set up print templates, you must specify a preferred template family for each login you want to use print templates. The system then selects the appropriate template from the preferred template family each time a due slip is printed or emailed.

Specifying a Template Family

To print due slips from Express Lane, define a single preferred template family in each login's Print Templates settings. For more information, see Creating a List of Preferred Template Families.


Settings Sequence

To access a login's Settings tab from within Express Lane, you must enter your library's settings sequence at the Welcome screen. The settings sequence is created by your library and is composed of characters (letters and/or numbers) compatible with the input device used to start Express Lane.

The default settings sequence is 1234512345. To change your library's settings sequence, contact Innovative and specify the sequence you want to use. Note that the settings sequence must differ from your library's printer sequence and exit sequence.

After you enter your settings sequence, Express Lane prompts you for a login and password. Use the credentials of a staff user with permissions 282 - 285 so that you can administer Print Template settings.

How Express Lane Selects a Template

When Express Lane uses print templates to print or email a due slip, it selects the appropriate template from the login's preferred template family to send each patron's due slip. (For information about defining a preferred template family, see Print Template Family Settings for Circulation Notices and Receipts.)

To choose the appropriate template for each transaction, Express Lane:

  1. Determines which language to use. The system compares the Language attribute of each template to the LANG PREF field in the patron record. If the patron record does not contain a LANG PREF field, the system ignores the Language attribute.
  2. Determines which delivery method to use. If your library allows patrons to choose a delivery method for due slips, and the patron selects email delivery, the system uses the template with a Delivery Method attribute of "email." Otherwise, the system uses the template with a Delivery Method attribute of "print."
  3. Determines which template best matches the patron's language and delivery method:
    1. If the system finds a template for which both the language and delivery method match the patron's preferences, the system uses that template.
    2. If a complete match does not exist, the system searches for a partial match:
      • If the system finds templates in which either the language or the delivery method (but not both) matches the patron's preferences, the system uses the template in which the language matches the patron's preference.
      • If the system does not find a template in which the language matches the patron's preference but does find a template in which the delivery method matches, the system uses that template.
    3. If neither a complete nor partial match exists, the system uses the general template.
    4. If none of the above exist (there is no complete match, partial match, or general template), the system uses the first template listed under the template family name.
See also:
Creating Customized Print Templates
Specifying a Preferred Patron Language