Specifying a Preferred Patron Language

To enable the Preferred Patron Language feature at your library, contact Innovative and specify up to five languages to use as preferred languages. Preferred languages must be languages that your library has purchased and installed for WebPAC or another public interface.

At multi-lingual sites, the Preferred Patron Language feature enables you to assign a preferred language in the LANG PREF field of the patron record. You can then generate certain types of circulation notices and receipts in a patron's preferred language.

Assigning a Preferred Language

To specify a patron's preferred language:

  1. Retrieve the patron record, if it is not already displaying.
  2. Open the record in the Sierra Editor.
  3. Modify the value in the LANG PREF field. The system displays the languages from the Language Preference table.
  4. Choose the option corresponding to the patron's preferred language.

How Sierra Uses the Patron's Preferred Language to Print Notices

When you prepare circulation notices for a patron who has specified a preferred language, the system translate the notice's content into the patron's preferred language using the alternate language Notice Text and Subject Text elements in the Text of Circulation Notices and the Email Subject tables. If the LANG PREF field is empty or does not contain a valid value, the system generates notices in the language assigned to your login.

Default Language for Auto Notices

For auto notices, if the LANG PREF field is empty or does not contain a valid value, the system uses the auto notices default language rather than the language assigned to your login.

The system can generate the following notice types in the patron's preferred language:

Other circulation notices, such as paging slips and lists, are not included because they are not usually sent to patrons.

How Sierra Uses the Patron's Preferred Language to Print Receipts

Sierra can print the following types of receipts in a patron's preferred language:

In addition, Express Lane can print due slips in a patron's preferred language if print templates are enabled.

If the LANG PREF field is empty or does not contain a valid value, the system prints receipts in the language assigned to the login.