Modifying Fixed-Length Fields

Sierra enables you to edit the following types of fixed-length fields:

For general information about moving around in the editor and selecting fields to edit, see Using the Keyboard and Mouse in the Sierra Record Editor.

Create Record Wizard Prompts for Field Modification

When you create a record with a Create Record wizard, Sierra prompts you with the fields to modify. You do not need to choose which fields to edit. For more information, see Using Templates for New Records.

Editing Fields Validated Against the Fixed-Length Codes File

To edit a validated field, you can enter only an allowed value. Some fixed-length fields are validated against the Fixed-length Codes file. Examples of fixed-length fields using this type of validation are BIB LVL and I TYPE.

If a fixed-length field is validated against the Fixed-length Codes file, you can edit it by one of the following methods:

To exit a field without modifying its value, press Esc.

Editing Fields Validated against Other Fields

To edit a validated field, you can enter only an allowed value. Some fixed-length fields are validated against the values in another record field. Values entered in one record field are considered the allowed values for another field. For example, any value in the CONTACT CODE fields of your system's contact records is allowed in the ACCS PRVDR field in resource records. If a value is not used in a CONTACT CODE field of a contact record, it cannot be entered in the ACCS PRVDR field of a resource record. Examples of fixed-length fields using this type of validation are VENDOR and ACCS PRVDR.

  1. Choose Edit | Edit Field or enter a valid code into the field.

When you enter the first letter of a valid code into the field, the editor automatically completes the entry.

When you choose Edit | Edit Field, the Select a <record type> dialog box displays a search screen.

  1. In the Select a <record type> dialog box, choose an index from the drop-down menu.
  2. Enter a search term in the text box.
  3. Choose Search.
  4. Choose Use <record type> Record. For example, Use Contact Record.

The system selects and inserts a value from a field in this record into the validated fixed-length field of the record being edited. You cannot change the field from which a value is selected. Retrieve and use a different record to change the value.

  1. Choose File | Save.

Editing Date Fields

With the cursor in the date field you want to edit, you can either enter the date or open the Calendar dialog box to select a date. See Modifying Dates for more information.

Editing Monetary Amount Fields

With the cursor in the amount field, either enter the amount or use the Edit Field option to open an Edit Data dialog box in which you can enter the amount. When you enter a monetary amount, you can enter only numeric data and the fractional separator.

Editing LOCATION and FUND Fields

If a record has one location assigned, enter the location the same way you enter a validated field. Note that if you use the Edit Field option or double-click the LOCATION field, the system displays the multi-field editor dialog box in which you can select locations, funds, and copies. If the record has multiple locations, use the Edit Field option or double-click in the field to select the locations. See Modifying Fields with Multiple Copies or Funds for more information.

If a record has one fund assigned, enter the fund the same way you enter a validated field. Note that if you use the Edit Field option or double-click in the FUND field, the system displays the multi-field editor dialog box in which you can select funds, locations, and copies. If the record has multiple funds, use the Edit Field option or double-click the field to select the funds. See Modifying Fields with Multiple Copies or Funds for more information.

Editing COPIES Fields

The way you edit the COPIES field depends on whether the record has one or more locations and funds.

One Location and One Fund

If the record has only one location and one fund assigned, you can simply enter the number of copies in the COPIES field. Alternatively, you can use the Edit Field option to bring up an Edit Data dialog box in which you can enter the number of copies.

Multiple Locations and/or Multiple Funds

If the record has more than one location or fund ("MULTI"), when you try to enter a number in the COPIES field or use the Edit Field option, you see the multi-field editor dialog box in which you can specify the number of copies for each location and fund. See Modifying Fields with Multiple Copies or Funds for more information.

Editing Other Fixed-Length Fields

For all other fields, the Edit Field option opens an Edit Data dialog box. Enter a value up to the size limit of the field.

See also:
Maintaining Records
Modifying Dates
Modifying Fields with Multiple Copies or Funds