Using Templates for New Records

To work with templates, you must be assigned one of the following permissions:

  • 274 (View templates)
  • 275 (Create templates)
  • 276 (Update templates)
  • 277 (Delete templates)

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

For order and checkin/holdings records, only those templates that apply to the current session's accounting unit are accessible.

A template defines the information that should be included in a new record and can include the following:

You can use record templates for almost every record type and you must have a template defined for a record type in order to create a record. When your system is set up, it includes a template for each record type provided.

Templates for Invoice Records

Invoice records use system-defined templates that are accessible from the Invoice function. Users do not create or maintain templates for invoice records as described in this section.

You can create, edit, and delete record templates as well as manage your own list of preferred templates in the Templates tab in Admin | Settings. For information about managing your list of preferred templates, see Templates Settings. For information on working with templates, see:

Creating Record Templates
Editing Record Templates
Deleting Record Templates
Templates in Multi-window Mode

You can open only one template at a time—for viewing, creating, editing, or deleting—even when you are using multi-windows mode.

See also:
Maintaining Records
Editing Records