Creating Record Templates

To create templates, you must be assigned permissions 274 (View templates), 275 (Create templates), and 276 (Update templates). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The steps for creating templates are similar to those used in creating records—you can use many of the same features when creating templates as when creating records.

You can create new record templates for almost all record types. Note, however, that there are certain fields which cannot be used in record templates or which require specific default data. See Fields and Values to Avoid in Record Templates below for further information.

When you create a template, it is added to the list of Other Templates allowing other users to access the template. To create a new record template, use any of the following methods:

Fields and Values to Avoid in Record Templates

When creating record templates, avoid using the fields or default values in the record types listed below.

Item Record Templates

The STATUS field must always have a default value of '-' (AVAILABLE) or 'o' (LIB USE ONLY). Do not enter system-generated codes (e.g., $, n, !, etc.) for this field. See Fixed-length Fields in Item Records for more information about the STATUS field.

Do not enter default values for the following item record fields:

       06 OUT DATE        11 # RENEWALS        16 TOT CHKOUT
       07 DUE DATE        12 # OVERDUE         17 TOT RENEW
       08 PATRON#         13 ODUE DATE         19 LOANRULE
       09 LPATRON         14 IUSE3             21 INTL USE
       10 LCHKIN          15 RECAL DATE        22 COPY USE

Patron Record Templates

Do not enter default values for the following patron record fields:

       06 TOT CHKOUT      13 MONEY OWE         16 OD PENALTY
       07 TOT RENWAL      15 CUR ITEMA         19 ILL REQUES
       08 CUR CHKOUT      16 CUR ITEMB         20 CUR ITEMC
       12 CL RTRND        17 PIUSE             21 CUR ITEMD

Section Record Templates

Do not include the SESSION SUM field in the section record template. The system generates data for this field during the process of creating section and sessions.

Creating a New Template

You can create a new record template by doing the following:

  1. Choose the Record Templates tab from Admin | Settings.
  2. In the Templates window, specify the Record Type from the drop-down list.
  3. Choose New.
  4. In the Code dialog box, enter the following information:
    • In the Code field, enter a template name or code, consisting of one to ten alphanumeric characters.
    • In the Description field, enter a description of the template, consisting of up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
    • Choose OK.

The new record template window appears, displaying the template record type, template code, and the description in the title bar.

  1. Choose the fixed-length fields you want to include in your template by double-clicking the field in the fixed-length field grid and then choosing a value from the Select or Edit dialog box.

You can choose default field data or choose an empty value. Default field data automatically appears in new records created with this template. When users create a record with this template, they can keep the default data or replace it with different data.

  1. You can specify that a fixed-length field appears in a wizard using this template during record creation by selecting the field and choosing Prompt. When you specify that a fixed-length field should be prompted, the field appears in the scrollable Fixed-length field prompts area, in the order it will be prompted in the wizard. Users create records using a wizard when you choose the Use wizard to create new records option in the Edit Tab in Login Manager.
    • You can change the order in which these fields are prompted by selecting a field in the Fixed-length field prompts area and choosing Move Up or Move Down to reorder the fields.
    • You can remove a fixed-length field from the wizard by selecting the fixed-length field and choosing Prompt.
  2. You can insert new variable-length fields either by using the Insert Field dialog or by entering the field directly in the variable-length fields section of the template. For more information, see Inserting Variable-length Fields..

You can specify default field data by entering the data next to the MARC code in the variable-length field area. This default field data appears in new records created with this template. When users create a record with this template, they can keep the default data or replace it with different data. You also can leave the field blank, allowing users to enter their own data when creating a new record.

  1. You can specify that a variable-length field appears in a wizard using this template during record creation by selecting the field and choosing Prompt. When you specify that a variable-length field should be prompted, a checkmark displays next to the field in the variable-length field area. Users create records using a wizard when you choose the Use wizard to create new records option in the Edit Tab in Login Manager.

The order in which the field is prompted in the wizard is determined by the order in which the field appears in the variable-length area of the template. You can change the order in which these fields should be prompted in the wizard by right-clicking the field(s) and using Move Up or Move Down.

If the record uses MARC fields, and if you have entered variable-length fields out of MARC order, you can return the prompt order to MARC order by choosing View | Put fields in record sequence. You should save your template before using this option, so that, if you choose, you can return the MARC fields to the order they were in before choosing View | Put fields in record sequence, by closing the template without saving the new field order.

Using the New Record Wizard

When a user creates a new record with the wizard, the New Record window displays all the variable-length fields included in the template. When the wizard prompts the user to enter data into an empty variable-length field, if no field data is entered, that field is removed from the New Record window when the user chooses Next in the wizard. Non-prompted variable-length fields remain in the New Record window after the wizard finishes, even if there is no data in the field.

  1. To delete a field from the template, right-click the field and choose Delete Field.
  2. To change the variable-length field display for MARC records to non-MARC format, right-click in the variable-length field area and choose Change to non-MARC. To change the display from non-MARC to MARC format, right-click in the variable-length field area and choose Change to MARC.
  3. To use substitution phrases in default variable-length field data, right-click the variable-length field and choose Substitution Phrases. For more information about this feature, see Entering Substitution Phrases in Variable-length Fields.
  4. To print the template, choose Print.
  5. When you have finished creating the template, choose Save and then Close.

Copying a Template

When you want to create a template that is similar to an existing template, you can copy the template and then make the changes you want. Copy a template by doing the following:

  1. Choose the Record Templates tab from Admin | Settings.
  2. From either the Preferred Templates or Other Templates list, select the template and choose Edit.
  3. In the Edit Template window, choose Edit | Copy Template.
  4. In the Code dialog box, enter the following:
    • In the Code field, enter a template name or code consisting of one to ten alphanumeric characters.
    • In the Description field, you can enter a description of the template, consisting of up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
    • Choose OK.
  5. Follow the steps described in Editing Record Templates to modify the template.
  6. When you finish modifying the template, choose Save and then Close.

Saving a Record as a Template

When you want to create a template that is similar to an existing record, you can save the record as a template and make the changes you want. You can save an existing record as a template by doing the following:

  1. Retrieve the record you want to save as a template.
  2. Choose Edit | Save as Template.
  3. In the Code dialog box, enter the following:
    • In the Code field, enter a template name or code consisting of one to ten alphanumeric characters.
    • In the Description field, you can enter a description of the template, consisting of up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
    • Choose OK.
  4. A template record window displays the data from the record you selected. Follow the steps described in Editing Templates to modify the template.
  5. When you have finished modifying the template, choose Save and then Close.
See also:
Editing Record Templates
Deleting Record Templates