Editing Record Templates

To modify templates, you must be assigned permission 276 (Update templates). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The steps for editing templates are similar to those used in editing records—you can use many of the same features when editing templates as when editing records. See Editing Records for more information.

Before editing a template, consult Fields and Values to Avoid in Record Templates.

In the Templates window, you can edit existing templates, including the code and description, by doing the following:

  1. Choose the Record Templates tab from Admin | Settings.
  2. From either the Preferred Templates or Other Templates list, select the template and choose Edit.
  3. To change the code or description for the template, choose Edit | Change Code or Description in the template record window.
    • In the Code field, enter a template name or code consisting of one to ten alphanumeric characters.
    • In the Description field, you can enter a description of the template, consisting of up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
    • Choose OK.

Note that this change is saved only when you choose Save in the record template window.

  1. To add a fixed-length field, double-click the field in the fixed-length field grid and choose a value from the Select dialog box.
  2. You can insert new variable-length fields by using the Insert Field dialog or by entering the field directly in the variable-length fields section of the template. For more information, see Inserting Variable-length Fields..
  3. To add or edit default field values:
    • Double-click the fixed-length field value and choose a new value.
    • Enter the new text next to the field in the variable-length field area.

You also can leave the value blank, allowing users to enter their own value, by choosing the empty value in the fixed-length Select field dialog box or by entering no data next to the variable-length field.

  1. To add or remove a field from a wizard, select the field and choose Prompt.
    Users create records using a wizard when you choose the Use wizard to create new records option in the Edit Tab in Login Manager.
  2. To delete a field from the template, select the field and choose Edit | Delete field.
  3. When you finish modifying the template, choose Save and then Close.

Any changes you make to a template are permanent. When modifying a template created by another user, ensure that the changes are beneficial for all users. If you are uncertain if your changes will be helpful to other users, consider copying the template.

See also:
Creating Record Templates
Deleting Record Templates