Deleting Record Templates

To delete templates, you must be assigned permission 277 (Delete templates). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

When you delete a template from either the Preferred Templates or Other Templates list, the template is permanently deleted from the system for all users. When deleting a template, ensure that other users no longer need or use the template.

To delete templates:

  1. Choose the Record Templates tab from Admin | Settings.
  2. In the Templates window, choose the record type from the Record Type drop-down list. Select the template(s) you want to delete in either the Preferred Templates or Other Templates list.

You can delete multiple templates at one time by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the templates' names, but all the templates must be in either the Preferred Templates or Other Templates list.

  1. Choose Delete.

Sierra displays a message indicating that deleting templates removes them permanently from the database.

  1. Choose Yes to delete the template(s).
See also:
Creating Record Templates
Editing Record Templates