Inserting Variable-length Fields

You can insert new variable-length fields either by using the Insert Field dialog box or by entering the field directly in the variable-length fields section of the record.

Changing Field Group Tags

Depending on how your system is setup, it is possible, while editing a variable-length field, to change its field group tag and MARC tag independently of each other. This can lead to unexpected results when the field is indexed or the record is displayed. For example, if a variable-length field has a y field group tag and a 050 MARC tag, and the MARC tag is changed to 090, the field does not index with other 090 fields (which usually have a corresponding field group tag of c).

Using the Insert Field Dialog Box

To insert a new variable-length field into a record:

  1. Choose Edit | Insert Field.

The system displays an Insert Field dialog box for either MARC or non-MARC records. Depending on the type of record you are editing, this combination dialog box enables you to select the field group tag/label, the MARC tag and indicators (for a MARC field), and enter the appropriate field data.

  1. Select the field group tag/label. The field group drop-down lists the available fields for the current record type in the following order:
    • MARC fields display in numerical order.
    • Non-MARC fields display in the same order as displayed in an Innovative record.

Choose a field group tag from the drop-down list by using one of the following actions:

  • Click the down arrow, and the click a tag. Note that you can use the scroll bar to view other tags.
  • Enter a one-character tag that is valid for the current record type.
  • Press Tab to accept the tag currently displaying.

After you choose a valid field group tag, the cursor moves to the data entry section of the dialog box.

  1. Edit the MARC tag and indicators (for MARC fields), if necessary. The dialog box automatically displays the MARC tag and indicators for the field tag you selected. To edit the MARC tag and indicators, press Backspace over the characters, or use the mouse, and enter the desired text. If no other MARC tag is specified, the system enters a default value of "y".
Entering Title Fields

Sierra automatically detects the English-language articles "a", "an", and "the" when you enter a title field in a MARC 21 record. The system updates the SKIP fixed-length field or the second indicator of the 245 field for full MARC records. The system does not detect initial articles in UNIMARC or Chinese MARC records, nor does it recognize foreign language articles. If you regularly create records with foreign language titles, configure your bibliographic record template to prompt for the SKIP field. For more information about initial articles, see Initial Articles: Coordinating Cataloging Practices with User Searches.

  1. Enter the field data as you want it to appear in the record.
    • If you chose the field group tag for a multi-value field, you can enter data or choose from a list of values. To choose from a list of values:
      1. Double-click the Insert a MARC/non-MARC field text box. The Select Value dialog box appears.
      2. Choose a value from the drop-down menu. To enter more than one value in a single field, separate values with semi-colons.
Availability of Multi-value Fields

Multi-value fields are available if your library has acquired Sierra Electronic Resources Management. Resource and license records can contain multi-value fields. For more information, see Maintaining Multi-value Variable-length Field Values and Modifying Variable-length Fields.

  • If you chose the field group tag for a multi-line field, such as patron address, the data entry section of the dialog box displays the default number of lines and labels for the selected field. Enter the appropriate data on the first line and press Enter or Tab to move to the next line. To add another line, press Shift+Enter. To delete a line, put your cursor at the end of the last line you want to keep and press Delete.
Customization of Line Labels in a Multi-line Field

Innovative can, upon request, customize the labels for each line of a multi-line field. For example, the three lines of a patron address might be Street, City/State, and Zipcode. Alternately, you can use Advanced System Access & Administration to edit the labels and default number of lines for multi-line fields.

  1. Choose OK or press Enter to add the field to the variable-length fields section of the record.

Inserting Fields Directly into the Variable-length Fields Section of the Record

To insert variable-length fields directly into the edit window:

  1. Press Enter or choose Insert from anywhere in the record. The editor creates a new, empty line in the next possible position as follows:
    • If the cursor is in the fixed-length field area, the new field is inserted at the top of the variable-length field area, after any numeric-tag fields.
    • If the cursor is at the beginning of a variable-length field, the new field is inserted on the line above.
    • If the cursor is in or at the end of a variable-length field, the new field is inserted on the line below.
  2. Enter data in the new field. If you can enter MARC fields in the record (usually bibliographic, item, authority, and course records), the editor assumes that the field you intend to enter is a MARC field. Otherwise, the editor assumes that the field you intend to enter is a non-MARC field.
    • If the field is a MARC field, enter a field group tag (if the tag prompt appears), a MARC tag, the MARC indicators, and the field data. To skip to the next position in the field, press Tab.
    • If the field is a non-MARC field:
      1. Enter a field group tag.

If you enter the field group tag for a multi-line field, such as patron address, the editor displays a data entry section with the default number of lines and labels for the selected field. Enter the appropriate data on the first line and press Enter or Tab to move to the next line. To add another line, press Shift+Enter. To delete a line, put your cursor at the end of the last line you want to keep and press Delete. If you are in the last line of a multi-line field, pressing Enter opens a new variable-length field line.

Customization of Line Labels in a Multi-line Field

Innovative can, upon request, customize the labels for each line of a multi-line field. For example, the three lines of a patron address might be Street, City/State, and Zipcode. Alternately, you can use Advanced System Access & Administration to edit the labels and default number of lines for multi-line fields.

  1. If necessary, press Tab to skip over the MARC area.
  2. Enter the field data.
See also:
Moving (re-ordering) Variable-length Fields
Converting Variable-length Fields between MARC and Non-MARC
Deleting Variable-length Fields
Entering Substitution Phrases in Variable-length Fields
Editing Patron Identification Number (PIN) Fields