Record Types

The following table lists record types and the fixed-length fields and variable-length fields contained in each record type.

During setup, organizations choose which record types and fields they will use. Therefore, your system may vary from the table below.


Although sometimes referred to as records, funds use a different structure than the record types listed below, and are therefore not described here. For information on the fields available in the funds, see Fields in Funds.

Record Type and Tag Description Fixed-length Fields Standard Variable-length Fields
Authority (a) Authority records are used to redirect a search from a subject, name, or title heading that is not used in a library's catalog (the invalid form) to one that is used (valid form). Innovative supports the full MARC format for authority records. The invalid form is stored in SEE FROM fields in the Authority record (e.g., MARC 450 fields in subject Authority records). The valid form is stored in the 1xx field (e.g., MARC 150 field, SUBJ AUTH, in subject Authority records). When a search is redirected, the system switches the target for the search to the valid form and does another search. Authority records are also used to redirect searches to related terms which are stored in the SEE ALSO FROM fields in the Authority record (e.g., MARC 550 field in subject Authority records). Fixed-length Fields in Authority Records Variable-length Fields in Authority Records
Bibliographic (b) Bibliographic records represent one title in your collection. Bibliographic records may be stored in a brief non-MARC format or in the full MARC format, including MARC tag, indicators, subfield codes, and diacritics. The call number may be in the bibliographic and/or the item record. Fixed-length Fields in Bibliographic Records Variable-length Fields in Bibliographic Records

Central bibliographic (b)

(INN-Reach Catalog only) Central bibliographic records represent "master" titles in the INN-Reach Catalog.

As INN-Reach sites contribute local bibliographic records to the INN-Reach Catalog, the system evaluates the contributed records and chooses a single local record to act as the master title; the central bibliographic record stores the bibliographic data from that local record. The site that contributed the chosen record is considered the "owner" of the central record. If any subsequently-contributed local record contains bibliographic data that matches the data stored in the central bibliographic record, the system attaches the incoming record to the central record, rather than creating a new central record. For more information, see Maintaining Records in the INN-Reach Catalog.

The central bibliographic record does not store any local notes or specific local fields from the local bibliographic records. Instead, the central bibliographic record links to institution records that store the local checkin, item, and order data. The central bibliographic record is linked to as many institution records as sites that contribute holdings.
Contains the same fixed-length fields as a standard bibliographic record.

Note that the Created Date field in this record type contains the date on which the master record is originally added to the INN-Reach Catalog. This date remains the same even if the system later identifies a new owning site for the master record.
Contains the same variable-length fields as a standard bibliographic record, with the following additional field:


If URL fields are present in central bibliographic records, additional configuration of the INN-Reach Catalog is required.
Checkin/Holdings (c) Checkin records contain data about serials issues. Checkin cards exist within checkin records. Certain fields (most notably, call numbers) may be stored with MARC tags.

If your library uses monographic holdings, this record is referred to as a holdings record and it can be linked to bibliographic records and to multiple item records.
Fixed-length Fields in Holdings/Checkin Records Variable-length Fields in Holdings/Checkin Records
Contact (t) Contact records contain information about contacts for electronic resources. Fixed-length Fields in Contact Records Variable-length Fields in Contact Records
Course (r) Course records contain data about courses that have material on reserve. Fixed-length Fields in Course Records Variable-length Fields in Course Records
Invoice (n) Invoice records contain data from the process of paying for materials in Acquisitions. Fixed-length Fields in Invoice Records Variable-length Fields in Invoice Records
Institution (i) (INN-Reach Catalog only) Institution records store local holdings data for the bibliographic records contributed by participating INN-Reach libraries. The institution record is a type of record unique to INN-Reach Catalogs. The system automatically creates one institution record for each local bibliographic record that a Local Server contributes to the INN-Reach Catalog. For each checkin, item, or order record associated with that bibliographic record on the Local Server, the system creates a Checkin, Item, or Order field in the institution record.

When the system displays bibliographic information for any of the institution records linked to the central bibliographic record, it displays the bibliographic data stored in the master record, including title, local call number, shelving location, and circulation status.
Fixed-length Fields in Institution Records
Variable-length Fields in Institution Records
Item (i) Item records usually represent one copy or volume. The item record contains the barcode and other copy- or volume-specific information, but no bibliographic information. The call number may be in the bibliographic and/or the item record. Certain fields (most notably, call numbers) may be stored with MARC tags. Fixed-length Fields in Item Records Variable-length Fields in Item Records
License (l) License records contain information about license details for electronic resources. Fixed-length Fields in License Records Variable-length Fields in License Records
Order (o) Order records contain acquisitions information about the title. Fixed-length Fields in Order Records Variable-length Fields in Order Records
Patron (p) Patron records contain information about patrons who can circulate items. Fixed-length Fields in Patron Records Variable-length Fields in Patron Records
Program (g) Program records contain information about the programs offered by your library. Fixed-length Fields in Program Records Variable-length Fields in Program Records
Resource (e) Resource records contain information about electronic resources. Fixed-length Fields in Resource Records Variable-length Fields in Resource Records
Section (s) Section records contain information about the sections associated with each program. Fixed-length Fields in Section Records Variable-length Fields in Section Records
Vendor (v) Vendor records contain data about book and serial vendors. Fixed-length Fields in Vendor Records Variable-length Fields in Vendor Records
Volume (j) Volume records contain information about multi-volume titles and the associated bibliographic and item records. Volume records have no record-specific fixed-length fields. The fixed-length fields found in all records do apply. Variable-length Fields in Volume Records