Variable-length Fields in Course Records

The following table describes the variable-length fields found in course records. Both the short label and default long label (if one exists) are shown.


The variable-length fields listed in this section are the standard fields. Your organization's setup may vary.

Course Record Fields
Field Description Field Group Tag or Default MARC Tag Data in Field Entered by Limits Examples
or Course Note
Free text note field. A course record can contain multiple COUR NOTE fields. n organization Maximum 10,000 characters nSeminar lab
or Course Name/Number
This field may occur more than once in a single record and is used as an access point in retrieving the record. r organization Maximum 10,000 characters rEconomics 101
COURSE INF N/A ( system N/A N/A
ITEM ID System-generated information about an item placed on course reserve. A maximum of 350 item records may be attached to a course record via 9 fields. Contains the item record number, date the item becomes active/inactive, and its current status (a = active, i = inactive) 9 system N/A 9i1011659:06-05-03:a
or Professor/Instructor
The name of the course instructor, last name first. This could be a professor, teaching assistant, lecturer, instructor, or any name that might be used as an access point in retrieving the course record. This field may repeat as many times as desired. p organization Maximum 10,000 characters pKenan Lopcu
PSWD The course password. The tag for this field can be changed by using the Tag to use for course passwords in course records option. By default, the system uses the s tag. s organization Maximum 10,000 characters spassword
URL URL associated with the course record. Inserting URLs into course records requires special setup. Contact Innovative to add this functionality to your system. y or 856 organization Maximum 10,000 characters y