Contributing Records as the Master Owner

To have the Master Owner feature enabled at your Local Server, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative. If your Local Server belongs to more than one INN-Reach System, you must specify for which INN-Reach Central Server(s) you want the Master Owner feature enabled.

By default, INN-Reach determines which bibliographic records are used as master records in the INN-Reach Catalog as it processes incoming bibliographic records contributed from Local Server. However, if your Local Server has the "Master Owner" feature enabled, you can override this ownership assignment process by manually claiming or rescinding ownership of a master bibliographic record contributed by your site.

A site that manually claims ownership of a record is considered the "master owner." The master owner retains ownership of the master bibliographic record even if the INN-Reach Catalog processes another record that would normally replace the master bibliographic record. The master owner owns the master bibliographic record until one of the following events occurs:

The Master Owner feature enables you to: