Fields in Sierra Funds

The table below lists the fields found in funds in Sierra. The list includes both fields that are available for editing by the user and fields that are maintained by the system.


Although sometimes described as records, funds use a different structure than the record types listed in the Sierra Reference section (bibliographic, order records, etc.). For example, funds do not use the record numbers. For information on Sierra's record types, see How Innovative Stores Information.

Field Description Limits System-Maintained?
#ORDERS YTD Running total of the number of orders on this fund. N/A Yes
#PAYMENTS YTD Running total of the number of payments on this fund. N/A Yes
APPROPRIATION The monetary amount appropriated to the fund. The appropriation field can be edited only using the Fund Adjustment Table. N/A No
CODE System-wide identification code for the library fund. The code cannot be edited after the fund is created. Up to 15 characters. The code must use only lowercase alphabetic or numeric characters. No
CODE 1-3 The library defines the use of these fields. 1 character each No
DISCOUNT % Percentage by which you want the system to discount the EPRICE (when computing the encumbrance) of all items purchased using this fund. N/A No
ENCUMBRANCE The amount currently encumbered for this fund. The encumbrance field can be edited only using the Fund Adjustment Table. N/A Yes
EXPENDITURE The total amount spent from the fund. The expenditure field can be edited only using the Fund Adjustment Table. N/A Yes
EXTERNAL FUND Code identifying the source fund (parent agency fund) for this library fund. Codes and fund names are maintained in the External Fund Code table. If your library does not use external funds, enter an unused external fund code. See How Sierra Uses External Funds for more information. Up to 3 digits No
FUND NAME Name of the fund. This name prints on reports. Up to 19 characters No
NOTE 1 & 2 Free-text note fields. These fields display on the Reports tab in the Funds function.

Certain special characters, such as the exclamation mark and apostrophe, affect system behavior when they appear at the beginning of the NOTE field. To avoid unexpected system behavior, do not use special characters at the beginning of these fields.

Up to 25 characters each No
SUBFUNDS 1-7 If subfunds are enabled, expenditures for this fund are broken down based on the subfunds your library has defined. If your library does not use subfunds, all expenditures are listed in SUBFUND 1. N/A Yes
WARNING PERCENTAGE Percent of the fund that can be spent before spending warnings appear when creating or modifying order records. Allows values from 0 (no warning) to 99. Negative numbers not allowed. No