Variable-length Fields in Vendor Records

The following table describes the variable-length fields found in vendor records. Both the short label and default long label (if one exists) are shown.


The variable-length fields listed in this section are the standard fields. Your organization's setup may vary.

Vendor Record Fields
Field Description Field Group Tag or Default MARC Tag Data in Field Entered by Limits Examples
or Account No.
Vendor's account number. l organization Maximum 19 characters l123-456-789
ADDRESS1 The full vendor name and address to which orders are sent. ADDRESS1 prints on purchase orders and claim letters. See also VEN ADDR in the checkin and order records. See How Sierra Stores Address Fields for more information on address fields. a organization Maximum of 200 characters in up to five lines. Only the first 28 characters of each line print on purchase orders and claim letters. aBison Press$Orders$299 4th Av NW$Calgary, AB T21 7K4$Canada
ADDRESS2 A secondary address to which vendor payments are sent. b organization Maximum of 200 characters in up to five lines. bBison Press$Payments$299 4th Av NW$Calgary, AB T21 7K4$Canada
or Alternate Code
A code used by the library's parent agency to identify the vendor. The parent agency is the city, university, etc., of whose budget the library's is a subset. Used in statistical reports. d organization Maximum 11 characters. dbisonbooks
CONTACT Vendor contact information. k organization Maximum 49 characters. kbuffler joe
EMAIL Email address for vendor. The vendor's email address must appear in NOTE3 for electronic ordering. e organization Maximum 99 characters.
FAX Fax number for vendor. f organization Maximum 49 characters. f555-794-9218
FTP INFO FTP connection information for the vendor's website. This information is used to retrieve files via FTP during the electronic invoicing process and to send orders via FTP during the EDIFACT ordering process. This field stores the IP address, login, and password. g organization Up to 10,000 characters$1a2b3c$456def7
NOTE1 Free text note.

NOTE1 is printed on Invoice Registers. Organizations often use it as a place to put their account number with the vendor, or the institution accounting office's vendor code.
n organization Maximum 99 characters n1825b

Free text note.

The EDI code is required in the NOTE2 field for electronic serials claiming.

Data following a dollar sign ('$') in the NOTE2 field are used in BISAC ordering:


NOTE2 $0064=<Vendor SAN>

(For BISAC ordering, the Vendor SAN can be entered in either NOTE2 or NOTE3.)

To use either type of electronic ordering, you must include this information in the appropriate NOTE field(s).

m organization Maximum 99 characters m$0064=1691234
NOTE3 Free text note.

Data following a dollar sign ('$') in the NOTE3 field are used in BISAC or EDIFACT ordering:


NOTE3 $EMAIL=<Vendor email address>
NOTE3 $EMAIL=<Vendor email address>$0064=<Vendor SAN>



To use either type of electronic ordering, you must include this information in the appropriate NOTE field(s).
o organization Maximum 99 characters o$
or Telephone
Vendor's telephone number p organization Maximum 49 characters p555-743-4395
SPECIAL Library-defined. z organization Maximum 99 characters N/A
URL The Web site for this vendor. y organization Maximum 10,000 characters y
or Vendor Code
A code that uniquely identifies this vendor. Used in the VENDOR fixed-length field in order records. c organization Maximum 5 characters cbison
or Vendor Name
Vendor Name. t organization Maximum 49 characters tBison Press
VENDOR INFO Field used by the system to identify vendor records. + system N/A N/A