Setting up Electronic Claiming for Serials

After you have acquired Electronic Claiming of Serials Issues via Email, your library must set up your Sierra system for electronic claiming.

To set up the claiming of serials issues via email, do the following.

  1. The serials vendor must be capable of receiving claims by email. Contact the vendor to obtain the email address.
  2. Your system must be connected to the Internet and have an email interface. Contact Innovative for assistance.
  3. Edit vendor records for Electronic Claiming of Serials Issues via Email.
  4. Edit checkin records for Electronic Claiming of Serials Issues via Email.

Libraries can request that Innovative create additional email accounts to receive each department's bounced email. Consult System Generated Email for more information.

Editing Vendor Records for Electronic Claiming of Serials Issues via Email

To enable claiming of serials issues via email for a vendor, make these edits to the vendor's record:

Field Enter: Explanation
CODE2 s This indicates that the vendor can receive serials claims electronically over the Internet in the X12-869 Transaction Set format. It is used in conjunction with "$EDI" in the NOTE2 field.
(at beginning of field)
$EDI This indicates that the vendor can receive serials claims electronically over the Internet in the X12-869 Transaction Set format. It is used in conjunction with 's' in the CODE2 field.
NOTE2 subfield |e
subfield |d
your library's account number with the vendor
(in subfield |e)
library SAN
(in subfield |d)

Only one of these is needed. If both the SAN and the account number are entered, the account number is sent and not the SAN. This identifies your library to the vendor (Sierra sends the RLOC for confirmation).

NOTE2 subfield |f vendor's email address for claims Sierra sends claims to the address entered here.

Note that the maximum size of the vendor record NOTE2 field is 99 characters, including the "$EDI" identifier.

Remember to enter the subfield before the actual content of the subfield. For example, enter |e before entering the account number and |f before entering the email address:

NOTE2 field:$EDI|eCD12345-67|

Editing Checkin Records for Electronic Claiming of Serials Issues via Email

The X12 transaction set as prescribed by SISAC calls for a mandatory reference number that identifies the material being claimed. One additional reference number is optional. These reference numbers are stored in the checkin record.

In the SISAC implementation, the mandatory reference number is called the Agent Unique Subscription Identifier. For subscription agents, this may be:

The optional reference number is called the Vendor's Product Number. This number is usually needed only when the manadatory reference number pertains to more than one title (such as a membership) and an additional number is required to identify the actual title.

Some agents build memberships and "comes with" data into the Agent Unique Subscription Identifier. If you work with an agent who does not, Innovative will establish a tagged field for memberships or "comes with" data. Contact Innovative for assistance.

  1. Enter the Agent Unique Subscription Identifier in the checkin record field that your library uses for this data.

Sierra can automatically add the Agent Unique Subscription Identifier to the checkin record when vendors transmit invoice data. Tags and labels for the Agent Unique Subscription Identifier were chosen during implementation of your system. Usually, it is entered into a field with an f tag and labelled either "VENDOR Title #", "VENDOR Subscription #", or "VENDOR ID #."

  1. If necessary, enter the Vendor's Product Number in the checkin record field that your library uses for this data.