Preparing for Electronic Ordering

To code a vendor for electronic ordering, you must be assigned permission 414 (Update Vendor Records). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Sierra supports electronic ordering using either the BISAC or EDIFACT standard. To set up your system for electronic ordering, you must follow these steps.

  1. Acquire Electronic Ordering from Innovative.
  2. Contact the vendors for the information you need.
  3. Determine your library's SAN (Standard Address Number). See the American Library Directory for more information. The system uses the library SAN stored in the first entry of the Library SAN File.
  4. Prepare the vendor records for electronic ordering. These steps differ for EDIFACT and BISAC ordering.
  5. (EDIFACT Ordering only) If your library will use EDIFACT Ordering to send orders in foreign currencies, you must ensure that each currency code entered in the Foreign Currency table uses the alphabetical code specified by the ISO 4217 standard. See the ISO website for further information.

If your vendor requires it, Sierra can send E-book identification numbers in outgoing EDIFACT orders. See Enabling the E-book Identification Feature section below.

Preparing Vendor Records for EDIFACT Electronic Ordering

To correctly prepare your vendor records for EDIFACT Electronic Ordering, you must contact each vendor and determine the following:

After contacting your vendors, retrieve the vendor records that will be used with EDIFACT Electronic Ordering and make the following changes.

  1. Enter d in the CODE 3 field. The value 'd' indicates that the vendor can receive orders electronically in the EDIFACT format.
  2. Enter $VENDSAN=<vendor's SAN> in the NOTE 3 field, where <vendor's SAN> is the vendor SAN number.

    If the vendor SAN is not available, enter ??????? (the wildcard value for the Vendor SAN). For example, enter:


  3. Enter one of the following values in the GIR CODE field to specify which information is included in the GIR segment of the order.
    ValueData SentComments
    0no GIR(default)
    1GIR, no addressUsed to send location and fund details for each copy in a multi-copy order
    2GIR with addressUsed to send multiple SEND-TO addresses if the library wants to receive copies from a single order at multiple locations.
    3GIR with call number, no addressUsed to send the call number to facilitate ordering materials that are shelf-ready upon receipt.
    4GIR with call number and addressUsed to send both the call number and multiple SEND-TO addresses.

Preparing Multiple Accounts for Electronic Ordering

Some vendors allow each library to maintain multiple accounts. In this case, the library must set up a separate vendor record containing the proper codes for each of the library's accounting units.

Each accounting unit is identified by a suffix to the library's account number. The vendor and the library must agree on the suffix for each accounting unit. The account suffix is entered into the ACCOUNT # field in the vendor record. For example:

ACCOUNT # 54673

The system transmits the account suffix in the Buyer Name and Address (NAD segment).

Preparing Vendor Records for BISAC Electronic Ordering

The BISAC format for electronic ordering does not support the 13-digit ISBN standard. Any 13-digit ISBNs used during BISAC ordering are truncated to ten digits when the order is transmitted to the vendor. To successfully transmit 13-digit ISBNs, use the EDIFACT Electronic Ordering product. For more information on how the system handles ISBNs during electronic ordering, see ISBNs in Electronic Ordering.

To correctly prepare your vendor records for BISAC Electronic Ordering, you must contact each vendor and determine the following:

After contacting your vendors, retrieve the vendor records that will be used with BISAC Electronic Ordering and make the following edits:


If the vendor SAN is not available, enter ??????? (the wildcard value for the Vendor SAN). For example, enter:


The following table explains the field and position for other information you may want to enter in the vendor records. This information is then included in the BISAC records.

Field Tag Position Use Maximum # of characters
00 8-14 Library SAN 7
00 15-19 Library Suffix 5
00 64-70 Vendor SAN 7
10 21-27 Library SAN 7
10 28-32 Library Suffix 5
10 33-39 Vendor SAN 7
10 57 Back-order code 1

You must preface each entry with the following information:

For example, preface your library's SAN $0008= or $1021=.

You can put multiple entries in one NOTE field, and you can append data to the vendor's email address in NOTE 3. For example, you could enter the following to specify the vendor's designated orders email address and your library's SAN:

$$0008=<Library SAN>

The NOTE2 and NOTE3 fields can each store a maximum of 99 characters.

Each field is used only for certain types of data. Positions within each field can contain only a single type of data. For example, the 00 field can be used for library SAN, vendor SAN, and library suffix data. The positions 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 within the 00 field can contain only library suffix data.

If you enter more than the maximum number of characters, the system will assign the overflow to the next position in the BISAC order. For example, if you enter eight digits for the library SAN, which has a maximum value of seven digits, the system will assign seven digits to the library SAN and one to the library suffix.

The back-order code has five defined values in the BISAC format. Confirm these settings with your vendor before using the back-order code.

Tag Value
N Do not put items on back order
Y Put items that are out of stock or not yet published on back order
B Put items that are not yet published on back order
O Put items that are out of stock on back order
blank No code set

Coding the vendor record for electronic ordering automatically moves any existing queued orders for that vendor from the file of orders to print, to the file of orders to send.

Preparing Multiple Sites on a Single Account

In cases where two or more libraries share a single system and do not maintain separate Serials and Accounting Units for the sites, each library must insert its unique Library SAN into the NOTE 2 or NOTE 3 field of its vendor records.

The Library SAN must be output to the following locations:

This is accomplished by adding to the NOTE 2 or NOTE 3 field the commands:

Enabling the E-book Identification Feature

For vendors who require them, Innovative can configure your system to send E-book identification numbers (article numbers) in outgoing EDIFACT orders. These identification numbers are used by vendors to distinguish between ebooks which have the same ISBN, but are from different suppliers. The system stores the identification number in the EBOOK ID field of the order record. The system adds these numbers while creating new bibliographic and order records from MARC files downloaded from the vendor's website.

Note that the default field tag used for the EBOOK ID field is 'e'. Before contacting Innovative, make sure that your library is not using this field tag for another field in the order record. If this tag is already being used, choose another field tag.

Contact Innovative to enable this feature.