Data Sent in Electronic Orders

The data sent to the vendor during electronic ordering varies depending on whether the your library uses the EDIFACT or BISAC standard.

The Record Fields That Are Sent to EDIFACT Vendors

The tables below show the fields from Innovative records that are sent when an order is transmitted electronically to an EDIFACT vendor and the maximum number of characters allowed for each field. The fields listed below are the only Innovative record fields that are sent.

The fields in the record and the maximum number of characters sent for each field are established by the EDIFACT format, not by Innovative. If the field in the Innovative record is longer than the number of characters allowed in the EDIFACT element, the field is truncated, although some elements may be repeated to accommodate additional data from the source field.

Fields Sent from the Bibliographic Record

Field and Tag Maximum Characters
ISBN (i) 13
EDITION (e) 70
TITLE (t) 70
AUTHOR (a) 70
CALL NUMBER (c)1 128

Fields Sent from the Order Record

Field and Tag Maximum Characters
ORDER RECORD NO. 13 ('.' and o are transmitted)
VEN NOTE (v) 70
LOCAL PO# 35 (You must contact Innovative to set up this field.)
CALL NUMBER (c)1 128

1 To facilitate ordering materials that are shelf-ready upon receipt, you can set the system to include call numbers in EDIFACT orders. The system determines whether or not to include the call number based on the value in the GIR CODE field in the vendor record. If the GIR CODE field is set to a value that includes call numbers, the system looks for a call number field in the order record to include in the order. If there is no call number field in the order record, it uses the first call number field in the bibliographic record.

2 Although the COPIES field can store up to five characters, the maximum allowed value is "255".

3 For use with the EDIFACT Invoicing product. See the EDIFACT documentation (.pdf) "L.4 Using the Purchase Order for Book Orders" (SG29 segment 51).

4 For libraries that send EDIFACT purchase orders, the system sends the order priority codes defined in the EDIFACT standard if the Vendor Priority Mappings table is configured for that vendor. For more information, see the EDIFACT documentation (.pdf) "L.4 Using the Purchase Order for Book Orders" (Code table 10B for FTX DE 4441: order priority).

The BLOC and RLOC fields are used to determine the SEND-TO and BILL-TO addresses. You can send multiple SEND-TO addresses if you want to receive copies from a single order at multiple locations. The value selected for the GIR CODE field in the vendor record controls this feature. The system uses the Location Addresses file to supply address information for each location code specified in the order. Each branch address can be up to 300 characters.

The Record Fields That Are Sent to BISAC Vendors

The tables below show the fields from Innovative records which are sent when an order is transmitted electronically to a BISAC vendor, and the maximum number of characters allowed for each field. The fields in the record and the maximum number of characters sent for each field are established by the BISAC format, not by Innovative. If the field in the Innovative record is longer than the number of characters allowed in the BISAC record, the field is truncated.

Because the BISAC format is used for machine-to-machine transmission, sending any information that needs to be read and interpreted by a person (for example. the vendor note "RUSH") usually slows down the processing of the order by the vendor. Notes should only be used to fully distinguish the title being ordered.

The fields listed below are the only Innovative record fields that are sent. If a record has multiple fields with the same tag, only the first field is sent.

Fields Sent from the Bibliographic Record

Field and Tag Maximum Characters
ISBN (i) 10
EDITION (e) 2 (numeric only)
TITLE (t) 74 (see IDENTITY field in order record)
AUTHOR (a) 23
PUBLISHER (p) 20, with leading spaces stripped1

1If a colon appears in the 'p' field, the 20 characters following the colon (but not including the colon) are transmitted.

Fields Sent from the Order Record

Field and Tag Maximum Characters
ORDER RECORD NO. 13 ('.' and o are not transmitted)
IDENTITY (i) If the title does not use all 74 characters allowed for it, as much as possible of the IDENTITY field is transmitted in the remaining characters.
LOCAL PO# 35 (You must contact Innovative to set up this field.)

The BLOC and RLOC fields are used to determine the SEND-TO and BILL-TO addresses.