Configuring Order Priority Codes

If your vendor uses EDIFACT order priority codes, you can configure Sierra to send the code in electronic orders to that vendor. The Vendor Priority Mappings table allows you to map existing ORD NOTE field values to EDIFACT priority codes on a vendor-by-vendor basis. EDIFACT priority codes include the following values:

When preparing EDIFACT orders for that vendor, Sierra looks in the Vendor Priority Mappings table for a priority code that maps to the value of the ORD NOTE field in the order record. If one exists, the system includes the priority code in the order. See Data Sent in Electronic Orders for more information.

To configure order priority codes for a vendor:

  1. From the Function list, select Vendors.
  2. Retrieve the vendor record.
  3. Select Tools | Edit Vendor Priority Mapping. The Vendor Priority Mappings table appears.
  4. Map a different ORD NOTE field value to each EDIFACT priority code by doing the following:
    1. From the Map list, select an ORD NOTE field value.
    2. From the to list, select the priority code you want to map to the ORD NOTE field value.
    3. Click Assign. Sierra displays the mappings.
  5. When you are finished, click Save.