Foreign Currency Codes and Rates

To enable the Foreign Currency Codes and Rates option, contact Innovative.

To edit the Foreign Currency Codes and Rates file, you must be assigned permission 663 (Edit Foreign Currency Codes and Rates). If you are assigned permission 651 (View System Parameters) but not 663, you can view this file but cannot edit it. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

If your library has the Foreign Currency Codes and Rates option enabled, you can maintain a list of foreign currencies, including the currency format and conversion rate.You can apply these currency rates when entering order records or processing invoices. The currency information you select for an invoice is stored in the invoice record and appears on accounting vouchers that are in that currency. Foreign currency information also displays on the Invoice Register.

You can access the Foreign Currency Codes and Rates table via the following menu path:

Admin | Parameters | Acquisitions | Foreign Currency Codes and Rates

For information on modifying this table, see Maintaining System Parameter Tables.

Functionality Information

Maximum Entries
The Foreign Currency table can hold a maximum of 45 currencies.
Changing Values in this Table
If you change any values in this table, you must log out of and log back into Sierra to use the new values in acquisitions functions.
Setting the Currency Rate On-the-fly
In addition to using the currency rates specified in this table, you can also define a different currency rate while creating an invoice. Note that the rate you enter only applies to the current invoice. For more information, see Entering Invoices in Foreign Currency.

Data Elements

Entries in the Foreign Currency Codes and Rates table contain the following data elements:

Element Description
Code Identifies the currency. The system does not check for duplicate codes. Maximum length: 3 characters (no hyphens, periods, or numbers).

For EDIFACT ordering, you must use the alphabetical code for each currency specified by the ISO 4217 standard. A list of these codes is available on the ISO website.
Rate Identifies the rate of exchange, that is, the value of the foreign currency in terms of your local currency. Maximum length: 11 characters (numbers and decimal point).
Description Describes the currency. Maximum length: 23 characters (alphanumeric).
Format Specifies the format of the money. For example, ,.2$ for standard US money, and .,0L for Italian Lira. This field contains four elements:

Places Separator - a punctuation character that separates every three digits for non-fractional values in large numbers; e.g., the commas in 1,000,000

Fractional Separator - a punctuation character that separates fractional values; e.g., the period in 12.95 (to separate dollars from cents)

Precision - a number that specifies the number of decimal places in the currency; e.g., 133.57 has two places of precision

Symbol - the currency symbol; it can be a single character (e.g., $), a string (e.g., HK$), or a braced diacritic (e.g., {u00A3} for £ the British pound)