Library SAN File

To edit the Library SAN file, you must be assigned permission 665 (Edit Vendor SAN file). If you are assigned permission 651 (View System Parameters) but not 665, you can view this file but cannot edit it. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Library SAN file stores your library's Standard Address Number (SAN). The SAN is with your vendors during electronic ordering to ensure that you are receiving the data intended for your library.

You can access the Library SAN file table via the following menu path:

Admin | Parameters | Acquisitions | Library SAN File

For information on modifying this table, see Maintaining System Parameter Tables.

Functionality Information

Maximum Entries
Only one entry is required in the Library SAN file. This entry must contain your library SAN. Although the system supports up to 100 entries in this table, the system uses only the library SAN from the first entry. If necessary, you can re-order the entries in this table by choosing the Move button from the toolbar.
Library SANs and Vendor SANs
Sierra only uses the Library SAN value from this table; the system does not currently use information in the other columns. Note that vendor SANs are stored in vendor records.

Data Elements

Entries in the Library SAN file contain the following data elements:

Element Description
Vend Code Not used. Enter ????? (the wildcard value for the VEND CODE field). Do not leave this field blank.  
Vend San Not used. Enter ??????? (the wildcard value for the VEND SAN field). Do not leave this field blank.
Lib Name Not used. Accepts free text. You can enter your library's name. Do not leave this field blank. This field accepts up to 13 characters.
Lib San Your library's Standard Address Number (SAN).