Variable-length Fields in Section Records

The following table describes the variable-length fields found in section records. Both the short label and default long label (if one exists) are shown.


The variable-length fields listed in this section are the standard fields. Your organization's setup may vary.

Section Record Fields
Field Description Field Group Tag or Default MARC Tag Data in Field Entered by Limits Examples
AVAILABILIT or Availability The number of seats that are available for the section. The system calculates this value by subtracting the value in the CUR REGIST field from the value in the MAX SEATS field in the section record.

This field does not display to users while creating or editing section records, but is used by the system to display data in the Availability column on the summary tab.
7 system N/A 20
INST EMAIL or Instructor Email Session instructor's email address. z organization Maximum 10,000 characters
INST PHONE or Instructor Phone Session instructor's telephone number. p organization Maximum 10,000 characters 555-123-4567
INSTRUCTOR or Instructor Name Name of the session instructor. n organization Maximum 10,000 characters Dr. Jonson
PUBLICNOTE or Public Note Text note for the public. x organization Maximum 10,000 characters Riverside Shakespeare required for this section.
REGISTRATI or Registration Subfield-delimited information for registered patrons:

|a (softlink to patron)
|b <datestamp registered>
|c <datestamp paid>
|d <amount paid>
|e <registration note> (100 character limit)
|f <payment type>
|g <payment note> (100 character limit)

The default values for the payment type subfield (|f) are:
  • not paid
  • paid by ecommerce
  • paid by cash
  • paid by check
  • paid by credit card

Note that the "paid by ecommerce" value cannot be selected or edited in the Program Registration client.
3 system/organization Maximum 10,000 characters SLKp1000423
Patron registered for 3 spots
paid by check
check #5423
SECTIONINF or Section Info Field used by the system to identify section records. > system N/A N/A
SESSION or Session Subfield delimited session information; start date/time and duration.
|a <timestamp of start date/time>
|b <duration in minutes>
2 system/organization Maximum 10,000 characters 08-01-2005 04:00 pm
SESSION STR or Session Start Date Date of the first session for the section. This field does not display to users while creating or editing section records, but is used by the system to display data in the Session Start column on the summary tab. 8 system N/A 07-31-08 08:30AM
SESSION SUM or Session Summary Editable display of the series of sessions as entered (either automatically or manually) in the Session Summary text box on the Sessions tab: day(s), start and end dates, start and end times. s system/organization Maximum 10,000 characters Thursday, 05-24-2007 to 08-23-2007, 2:00PM - 3:00PM
STAFF NOTE or Staff Note Text note for staff. m organization Maximum 10,000 characters Clear chairs from room for this session.
URL 856 link to other resources for section. y organization Maximum 10,000 characters
WAITLIST or Waitlist Subfield delimited waitlisted patron information, in waitlist order;
|a (softlink to patron)
|b <datestamp registered>
|c <datestamp paid>
|d <amount paid>
|e <registration note> (100 character limit)
4 system/organization Maximum 10,000 characters SLKp1000623
Patron registered for 2 spots, cancel unless both spots clear waitlist.