Variable-length Fields in Central Bibliographic Records

The central bibliographic record (present in INN-Reach Catalogs only) can contain all the variable-length fields found in standard bibliographic records. In addition, central bibliographic records contain the field described in the table below.

Central Bibliographic Record Fields
Field Description Field Group Tag or Default MARC Tag Data in Field Entered by Limits Examples
LOCAL PAC A local field representing an individual bibliographic record contributed from a Local Server to the INN-Reach Catalog. The system creates this field for each bibliographic record that is contributed. The field establishes the relationship between the original bibliographic record at the Local Server and the master bibliographic record and associated institution record in the INN-Reach Catalog.

This field contains the following subfields:
$aThe 5-character code for the contributing Local Server.
$bBibliographic record number at the Local Server.
$cThe record number of the institution record that stores the local holdings data in the INN-Reach Catalog.

Master record holder. This subfield indicates ownership of the master bibliographic record on the INN-Reach Catalog. Possible values are:

'1'Standard ownership. The site owns the record, but the INN-Reach Catalog can transfer ownership to another incoming record.
'9'Master ownership. The site manually claimed ownership of the record. The INN-Reach Catalog can transfer ownership only in special cases (see Contributing Records as the Master Owner).
$q!This subfield contains no data, but its presence specifies that the Local Server that contributed the record operates under the INN-Reach Agency model.

Contribution code.

7 or 945 system N/A 7945|amu3ug|bb1142885|ci10000719|o1|q!|sN
URL URL associated with the bibliographic record. y or 856 organization Maximum 10,000 characters 856 72 |u|zConnect to III