Local Variable-Length Fields

MARC-tagged, variable-length fields used to hold data specific to one organization may be referred to as "local fields." For example, a 100 field (author) is not a local field, but a 500 field (note) is.

The field group tag for a local field can be any type that denotes data that is specific to one organization: for example, n (note) or c (local call number).

The MARC tag of a local field is often a 900-level tag: for example, 962 (containing links to images for the External Image Linking product) and 949 (specifying data and creating attached records for a batch record-loading product) are local fields.

Local fields Used by Innovative

The following tables list local fields used by Innovative. In most cases, these fields are used in conjunction with other vendors' products. Vendors may have requirements beyond the information presented here.

Entries marked with an asterisk indicate that Innovative allows an alternate field to be used.

Record Loading (bibliographic records)
Local Field Used With Used For
852 CatExpress (OCLC Product) Specifying data, creating attached records
949 Batch loading, various vendors* Specifying data, creating attached records
949 OCLC Command Line (OCLC Product) * Specifying data, creating attached records

Approval Plan (bibliographic records)
Local Field Used With Used For
935 Approval plan (various vendors) Specifying a valid order record number
940, 945 Approval plan (various vendors) Specifying valid item record data
960-961 MARC loader, no invoice (various vendors) Specifying valid order record data
980-981 MARC loader, with invoice (various vendors) Specifying order and financial information

TOC (bibliographic records)
Local Field Used With Used For
970-971 Table of Contents Specifying valid Table of Contents text
972 Table of Contents Specifying author affiliations

INN-Reach (bibliographic records)
Local Field Used With Used For
945 INN-Reach Link to institutional contribution, includes several subfields

INN-Reach (institutional records)
Local Field Used With Used For
947 INN-Reach Representing a checkin record on local system
948 INN-Reach Representing an order record on local system
949 INN-Reach Representing an item record on local system

Z39.50 Server Export
Local Field Used With Used For
500 SUTRS format Outputting item holdings information
920 ILL output format (MELVYL) Outputting item holdings information
948 ILL output format (OCLC) Outputting item holdings information

Other Products (bibliographic records)
Local Field Used With Used For
902, 907, 960, 993, 998 Output MARC Records * Specifying bibliographic information and copies
962 External Image Linking* Containing links to images

Other Products
Local Field Used With Used For
979 Import Order Data* Storing order data in items
999 Course Reserves Storing course name as call number when that option is chosen by the user