Adding Bibliographic and Item Records to a Course

To use Course Reserves, you must be assigned permissions 48 (Course reserves) and 171 (View course records). To add items to a course, you must be assigned permissions 124 (Update item records) and 174 (Update course records). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can build course reserve reading lists by associating item records—or, if the Attach Bibliographic Records to Course Reserves feature is enabled, a bibliographic record and all of its attached items—with course records. The items or bibs you add to a course make up the course's reserve list. To add a record to a course reserve list:

  1. Choose Course Reserves from the Function list.
  2. (Optional) Define course reserve settings for your session, if desired. (This is useful if you plan to add multiple records to more than one course and all or most records share the same settings.)
  3. Retrieve or create a course record.
  4. (Optional) If you set course reserve settings for your session, but you want the system to prompt you for course reserve settings for the current record, check Prompt for settings. Note that if you have not set course reserve settings for your session, this option is grayed out.
  5. Choose Add Items or Bib.
  6. Retrieve the item or bibliographic record you want to attach to the course record.
  7. Use one of the following methods to add a record or records to the course:
Method Actions

Select and add specific items to the course reserve list.

  1. Select the items you want to add to the course.
  2. Choose Add Selected Item(s).
  3. For each item you selected:
    1. If the item has any item-level holds, cancel them.
    2. Assign course reserve settings to the item. (To skip this step when selecting multiple items to add to a course reserve list, check the Use for all selected items checkbox.)
    3. If the item is checked out, recall it. Note that the options and features used at your library may not permit you to recall items for course reserve.

Add the bibliographic record to the course reserve list.

  1. Choose Use Bib. (Note that this option displays only if the Attach Bibliographic Records to Course Reserves feature is enabled.)
  2. If any items attached to the bibliographic record have item-level holds, cancel them. Note that the system does not warn you about holds on the bibliographic record itself.
  3. Assign course reserve settings to the bibliographic record and its attached items.

Create new items to add to the course reserve list.

  1. Choose Attach New Item(s).
  2. Create either a single item or multiple items, as described in Creating Item Records in Catalog.
  3. Save the new items.
  4. Choose Add Selected Item(s) and follow the steps for adding selected items to a course.

When you have finished, the system:

If desired, you can sort the order in which the items appear in the course reserve list.

Once you have attached items to the course record, you can print the course reserve reading list.

Other Methods for Creating Items in Course Reserves

You can also use the Key a bibliographic-item record option to create new bibliographic and item records when using the Course Reserves function (see Creating Bibliographic Records in Course Reserves and Creating Item Records in Course Reserves), but the system does not automatically attach these items to a course. Instead, you must first create the records, then follow the steps for adding an item or bibliographic record to a course.

See also:
Possible Messages (Adding Bibliographic and Item Records to a Course)
Removing Bibliographic and Item Records from a Course
Optional Course Reserves Functionality
Printing Course Reserve Lists