Defining Course Reserve Settings for a Session

To use the Course Reserves function, you must be assigned permissions 48 (Course reserves) and 171 (View course records). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

As you add bibs or items to a course, the system retains the course reserve settings you used for the previous record, but prompts you for new settings when you change to a different course. If you want to use the same settings for items added to multiple courses, you can save time by defining course reserve settings for your session. The system uses these settings until you change them, disable them, or switch to another function.

Defining Settings for a Course Reserves Session

To define settings for your Course Reserves session:

  1. Choose Course Reserves from the Function list.
  2. From the menu bar, select Options | Course Settings. The Course Reserves Setting dialog box appears.
  3. Check the Use these settings for adding items/bibs checkbox.
  4. Enter the course reserve settings you want to use for records added to courses during your session.
  5. Choose OK to save your settings, or Cancel to return to the Course Reserves function without saving any settings.

When you are working with Multi-Windows, changing global settings via the Options menu do not affect an open course record. To change your settings, you must close the list, set your global settings, then re-open the course record in order for the new settings to take effect.

Changing Course Reserve Settings During a Session

You can change your course reserve settings at any time during a session in either of the following ways:

If you have not defined course reserve settings for your session, the Prompt for settings checkbox is grayed out.

Disabling Course Reserve Settings

If you do not want to use or set any more global settings and you want to be prompted by the Course Reserves Settings dialog for all subsequent items, select Options | Course Settings from the menu bar and uncheck the Use these settings for adding items/bibs checkbox. The system returns to the default behavior of prompting you for settings for each item.